
I need to increase an entire column by 5% (price list increase). Can I do
this with one individual forula? Do I have to do every row individually?

If your data is in column A, then you could do this with a formula in each
corresponding cell in column B. If B1: =A1*1.05. Then copy the formula
down through the entire column.
Or you could type the number 1.05 in some empty cell, then copy it (ctrl C),
select all the cells you need to adjust and Edit gt; Paste Special, select
multiply and click OK.

quot;KandyKanequot; wrote:

gt; I need to increase an entire column by 5% (price list increase). Can I do
gt; this with one individual forula? Do I have to do every row individually?


You could do it using a helper column. In this example, A:A is your
current range of values. B:B is your helper column. Select the entire
column B and enter in the following array formula.

=A:A (A:A*0.05)Commit with Ctrl-Shift-Enter as this is an array formula. Then you can
copy your values from B:B and Paste Special Values over A:A.Does that help?

SteveG's Profile:;userid=7571
View this thread: we can just fill down from the starting cell

Assume the existing prices are listed in C2 down

Put in say, D1: 5% (type the quot;%quot; as well)

Then just put in D2: =C2*(1 $D$1)
Format D2 as currency, and copy D2 down

To copy down from D2, just drag the fill handle*
at the bottom right corner of D2 down
*appears like a little black square

Col D will return the new prices

Pointing at a cell, D1, will also make it easy if we want to revise the
percentage in future. We don't have to edit all the formulas. Just change
the value in D1, and the col D will recompute accordingly.
quot;KandyKanequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I need to increase an entire column by 5% (price list increase). Can I do
gt; this with one individual forula? Do I have to do every row individually?
In a blank cell insert 1.05 copy the cell, and then highlight the whole list
(not the whole column, just the cells you want to multiply). Select
Edit-gt;Paste Special and then select multiply under Operation. Hit okay. All
selected values should be increased by 5%.

quot;KandyKanequot; wrote:

gt; I need to increase an entire column by 5% (price list increase). Can I do
gt; this with one individual forula? Do I have to do every row individually?

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