I hope that someone can help?
I have a worksheet that contains multiple conferences that have a start
time and end time all with varying durations. some conferences will run
simultaneously and I need to show the number of conferences that are running
simultaneously on a per minute basis over a 24 hour period. The data that i
have is for 12 months and contains about 13,000 conferences over a 12 month
Is there any functionality to provide this information?
Many thanks in anticipation
Yes, this can be done. You'll get a better response if you provide more
information about how your data is organized and how you'd like it presented,
but I'll make some assumptions and take a stab.
Suppose your data on calls is organized one row per call, with a the date in
column A, start time in column B, end time in column C, all on Sheet1, rows
2:13001. Your job will be to create a summary on Sheet2, with the Date set
in A1, then the minutes in A2:A1441 and the count of calls in B2:B1441.
You can create the formula to count the calls in Sheet2!B2 using the
sumproduct function. The formula would look something like
The formula basically counts up the number of calls on the given date, begun
at or before the time of interest and ended after the time of interest. I
think I've got the cell references set so that you can copy that formula into
B3:B1441 to get the count for each minute of the date specified.
quot;colinquot; wrote:
gt; Hi,
gt; I hope that someone can help?
gt; I have a worksheet that contains multiple conferences that have a start
gt; time and end time all with varying durations. some conferences will run
gt; simultaneously and I need to show the number of conferences that are running
gt; simultaneously on a per minute basis over a 24 hour period. The data that i
gt; have is for 12 months and contains about 13,000 conferences over a 12 month
gt; period
gt; Is there any functionality to provide this information?
gt; Many thanks in anticipation
gt; Rgds
gt; Colin
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 20:36
Time Question