I would like to link individual spreadsheets to a masterspreadsheet within a
workbook. Can someone help me not only link the data but also the format of
the cell. Example if the cells are different colors for different reasons -
how do I move over the colors?I would start by copying one of the individual sheets, renaming it quot;Master.quot;
It will contain data that you can delete, but you will retain the colors and
formats. To cumulate the individual sheets into the master, start with the
uppermost and leftmost cell to be cumulated. Type = , then switch to each
individual sheet in turn, clicking on the cell with the same address. So
your Master sheet formula might look like this when cumulating cell B3:
='Sheet1'!B3 'Sheet2'!B3 . . .etc. etc. No needed after the last
entry.The drag the formula across and down the Master sheet to take in all
the cells.
quot;Kathyquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I would like to link individual spreadsheets to a masterspreadsheet within
gt; workbook. Can someone help me not only link the data but also the format
gt; of
gt; the cell. Example if the cells are different colors for different
gt; reasons -
gt; how do I move over the colors?
Thanks for the suggestion - but that is not working for me. I want to be
able to make changes on the individual worksheet and it automatically update
the master to the correct colors. Any more advise??quot;Richard O. Nevillequot; wrote:
gt; I would start by copying one of the individual sheets, renaming it quot;Master.quot;
gt; It will contain data that you can delete, but you will retain the colors and
gt; formats. To cumulate the individual sheets into the master, start with the
gt; uppermost and leftmost cell to be cumulated. Type = , then switch to each
gt; individual sheet in turn, clicking on the cell with the same address. So
gt; your Master sheet formula might look like this when cumulating cell B3:
gt; ='Sheet1'!B3 'Sheet2'!B3 . . .etc. etc. No needed after the last
gt; entry.The drag the formula across and down the Master sheet to take in all
gt; the cells.
gt; quot;Kathyquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I would like to link individual spreadsheets to a masterspreadsheet within
gt; gt;a
gt; gt; workbook. Can someone help me not only link the data but also the format
gt; gt; of
gt; gt; the cell. Example if the cells are different colors for different
gt; gt; reasons -
gt; gt; how do I move over the colors?
gt; gt;
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 20:40
Linking Spreadsheets within a workbook