I am trying to save a worksheet to a CD for a backup. I go to save as and
save in my E drive and I get quot;incorrect function.quot; I then press the only
thing I can press, OK, and I get quot;you do not have access to this folder
'E:\', see your administrator for access to this folder.quot; This is a home
computer and I do not have an administrator how can I save this to a CD?
You can't save things to CD like that.
First of all, it has to be a blank CD. Insert one of those in, and
Windows should give you a prompt to write to CD. When that happens,
take the excel file, which you have saved somewhere on the hard drive,
and drag the file into the Writable CD folder. Once you write the CD,
nothing on it can be changed again.--
dcnguyen's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30251
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=499224NEVER save a file to a CD. Save the file and COPY to the CD.
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
quot;Bill Wehnerquot; lt;Bill gt; wrote in message
gt;I am trying to save a worksheet to a CD for a backup. I go to save as and
gt; save in my E drive and I get quot;incorrect function.quot; I then press the only
gt; thing I can press, OK, and I get quot;you do not have access to this folder
gt; 'E:\', see your administrator for access to this folder.quot; This is a home
gt; computer and I do not have an administrator how can I save this to a CD?
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 20:40
Save worksheet to a CD