i have a dunlop GCB-95 crybaby for sale or trade. message me with offer or somethin

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I'm thinking about getting a H-H pickguard for my strat. Probably pearloid white. don't know yet. However I don't really want to spend $40. That just seams really high. So, I was wanting to know if any of you guys have any sites that you know of that offer a fender american strat pickguard with H-H in pearloid (or something similar) for a relatively good price.

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Alright, I've got a Gibson 57 Classic bucker on my hands, and when I went to install it, the screw holes were drilled out too big. I had an extra baseplate that would fit it in my parts drawer, and went to town. Somewhere along the way, one of the leads from the slug bobbin came unsoldered. When I tried to strip it to get more lead to work with...it came right out of the pickup. So to cut a long story short, there's one lead that goes into a hole on the bottom of the pickup, and there's an end of the coil wiring buried somewhere inside of it. I have a general idea of where it is...but yeah.

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Has anyone heard when the new series of Duncan pickups are coming out? I heard they had some new noiseless vintage strat models coming out. Just curious.

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played a cort x custom guitar today with invader and jazz duncans and the sound was unbelievable.
you guys were right on the money about the jazz being better for hard rock than the paf 59.NOT HARSH AT ALL.

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from : localhost/nightmare to mix this even to this standard

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59(n) in the bridge, APH(n) in the neck.

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this is probably gonna sound stupid but i got my rectoverb a couple days ago, and am baffled on how to switch over the bias switch. it doesnt seem to just want to slide over, and it doesnt say anything about how to do it in the manual. here's a pic just so you can see what i'm talking about. so if any of you guys know how to do this, it would be very helpful. thanks

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I'm lookin around to buy a full shred neck pickup...lookin to pay about 55 shipped...if anyones got one, let me know.

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