It's not really my thing, but its the only thing to play with dead strings!

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You know that intro riff, what's that? A Tele bridge pickup, or a Strat?

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I've always wondered what the output of the EMG HZ4 and HZ3 is?

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The big brother to the blues amp thread - which y'all pickin?

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this was a bit impulsive in a way, but not really, as it's been in the back of my mind ... especially since I did my last ash strat, which came out very nice, and is one of my liveliest electrics acoustically and electrically

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I was wondering if any you guys who have strats with a jb in the bridge could play something with gain and post it here. Something like with a Green day or punk sound to it. I need to here what it sounds like as I'am considering getting one on my strat.

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Haven't played guitar now in 7 months, been playing bass which from now on is my main instrument. Anyway, i play with flatwound strings on my bass and i wonder, does any famous guitarplayer nowadays play with flats? Anyone here at the forum? I can get D'addario chromes at the local store but there pretty expensive for being guitar strings.

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Hi, i am after some new tubes for my recently purchased marshall jcm900. i have my 2 el34 tubes sorted but now i need 3 12x7 tubes. i was just on a website and there are some tubes described as ecc83/12x7. what does this mean? will these tubes be right for my amp?

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setting up my new guitar ( tune o matic w/ stop tailpiece ) and they're both as low as they can go but the action is still pretty high..what can i do ?

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Hi guys

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