If so, whaddayathink?
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
UGD Participants – Have You Tried Your Cleartone Strings Yet?
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
Position Indicator? Pointer thingie? Like SG/335
Hello, trying to find some pointer thingies that go below the knobs on the 335s and sgs that have a piece that points up to kinda tell you where you re, i just think they are cool...
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
Short Review: Line 6 GuitarPort RiffTracker
A few days ago I picked up this Line 6 GuitarPort Riff Tracker because I had no way to record ideas and burn them to CD to take to the rest of my band, who don’t exactly live close to me. Anyway…
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
Fuller sound....
Okay, I was wondering on this. I got a fat strat with duncan in the bridge and stock single coils in the middle and neck. I was wondering if I put a 500k pot and leave the humbucker, will it have a fuller/thicker humbucker sound?
If it's just wired to the volume?
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
Local Band....
from : localhost/is a local band near my and they are playing with James Labrie of Dream Theater in a few weeks, i wanted to know what you guys think of them..i think they are pretty damn good...they are a strait forward metal and i enjoy almost all of their stuff...what do u guys think?
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
New Fiber Optic Sidemarkers: Green (Ibanez)
A few folks were asking if I had any pics, so I thought I'd put a few up. I'm still working on the routing, I just gotta wait for it to securely settle and then I'll be ready to glue the fretboard back on the neck.
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:08
songwriting help
alright, this is something that's been stuck in my head for a long while. It's not the kind of music I usually write (more of a bluesy folk) and I've only gotten one verse. Please feel free add in. I dont know the name of the chords. So when you see D, it's actually D without the middle finger on the e string. When you see C9, it's actually C9 with the e string open and the D string silent. When you see C9/B, it's actually C9 with instead of the 3'rd fret on the A string, it's the second, but the e is still open and the D is still silent.
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 21:08
Odd Epiphone Exployer problem
Last spring sometime i bought an Epiphone with a broken neck... It was a Korina Exployer.... I have bought broken neck Epi's before and repaired them the best i can and play them. Tonight i was trying to intonate the Exployer and found that from the factory the bridge is in the wrong location.... I was adjusting the saddles to intonate it and the saddles would not come forward enough to intonate... It's a set neck guitar so nothing has moved and the repaired neck is not a factor.. The bridge is not damaged or bent... They drilled the bridge about 1/8th too far back and on a slightly different angle then my Epi LP that has the same bridge and scale length... Now i know why someone broke the neck... It's a POS.... Do i -A- plug and redrill the stock bridge? or -B- add a Floyd since it's all F'd up anyways....
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 21:08
my latest ax
yes, I'm still around
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 21:08
The solution to shrill sounding JB loaded Les Pauls:
Duncan Distortion Bridge. JB's big brother.