
Okay, I was wondering on this. I got a fat strat with duncan in the bridge and stock single coils in the middle and neck. I was wondering if I put a 500k pot and leave the humbucker, will it have a fuller/thicker humbucker sound?
If it's just wired to the volume?

No. It will not be fuller or thicker, but if you're using 250K pots now and you switch to 500K pots the humbucker will be a little brighter and livlier and, IMO, probably sound better. Lew

I'd leave the guitar alone, but work on getting a fuller sound by getting a better amp, or beefing up the sound of your existing one with an EQ pedal or good Overdrive.

Or maybe, consider swapping your bridge humbucker for a fatter sounding one.

It's an Invader, so I doubt it can get fatter, I was just thinking maybe it'll be more concentraded, but if it's fine with a 500k pot, then I'll just upgrade that.

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