
I'm thinking of getting a 3 'pup guitar ( like a Black beauty, or SG) and Putting 3 phat cats in it. Just for something different. What problems would i face putting 3 pups' like that in a guitar? Noise? Sound? Feed Back? Idea's!

mmmm...... 3 phat cats.......

we're you thinking about 2 necks and one bridge?

yeah something like that, or maybe 2 phat cats ( one neck, one bridge ) and a Alnico 2 in the middle. Or not.

I have a 3 P-90 Reverend guitar. It rules. You get notch positions that are almost stratty, but you still get that grindy edge on the single pickup selections. Do it!

I once put a Stag Mag in the middle position of a Les Paul and it sounded KICK(you know)!! I wouldn't go with a true bar magnet humbucker in the middle because it's basically a quot;worst of both worldsquot; type of tone(soft and spanky?). The guy who suggested the AL2 for the middle has the right idea...I'd just try the Stag Mag over the AL2 for the middle because rod magnets create a different magnetic field than bar magnets...and the rods on a Stag are Alnico II anyway. PCat-Br , Stag Mag- Mid , and PCat-Neck should be a pretty cool and versatlle setup....don't forget to add the switch so you can split the Stag Mag....It's basically two S/Cs wound together to form an S/c HB hybrid. My opinion? Too hot for the neck and too nasally for the Br....but WAY cool in the middle. Good luck!

I bet it'll be cool, kind of like a take on the old ES-5 Switchmaster.

Thanks guys! 'i think im going to put them in a cheap Epi SG. Its going to be my ' bashin ' guitar, something that ican just Bash out hard power chords with for backing tracks, like a back up guitar. Ohh..palm muting would sound good hmm..

There is this white custome SG 3 pickup that looks nice, i can get it for under a grand australia, but the pickups are freaking pricey here

Yeah, I wouldn't have a guitar with 3 new pups as a backup to bash around... an LP junior maybe...

I love the idea of 2 Humbuckers with coil-splitting abilities and a Phat Cat in the middle... lots of great tonal possibilites!

Originally Posted by viewaskew2k5yeah something like that, or maybe 2 phat cats ( one neck, one bridge ) and a Alnico 2 in the middle. Or not.

Definitely do not put a standard humbucker in the middle position. It's not that the guitar will explode or anything, you just won't get that classic #2 or #4 position cluck. A single coil has the polepieces lining up right under the ideal harmonic node to get those cluck tones while your regular humbucker has the slugs and the polepieces straddling that note, but not hitting it.

If you put a humbucker anywhere, bridge or neck, not middle.

Beyond that little piece of advice, the triple-Phat Cat idea sounds great and should work just fine -- you shouldn't have any more problems with feedback than with any other pickup, or any more noise than with any single coil. You could cancel some of the noise by flipping the magnets (Phat Cats have two magnets each) and reversing the leads so your middle Phat Cat is RWRP to cancel hum when used with either of the other two Phat Cats.

yeah, i think i'll go 3 phat cats, ( or 2 phat cats, and a p 90 that is reverse wound)
now reccomend me a p90 that will go well with teh phat cats!!
Oh!! I just got a new internet connection! Dial up to 1.5 mbps woo!~

Now that i have been thinking about it, 2 phat cats, and for the middle pick up..something that sounds like a EVH, or Jag/Jazz master? Just to give it alittle something different in the tone.

If you want a bit of EVH to go with the Phats, I'd put a Custom Custom at the bridge with a pair of Phats in the neck and middle.

I'd go with 3 phat cats with a RWRP in the middle position. About the wirring , I'd go with a standard 3 way switching for bridge and neck PUs and activate middle PU by push pull or separate volume knob.
I did this with a PRS Mc Soap , added an extra P90 PU in the middle and converted tone knob into volume knob for middle PU. Works fine , strange combination of early Gibby tones and some stratish tones when middle PU used.

yeah i was thinking of doing it like that, 3 phat cats/p90's, middle on RVSW , push /pull knob. i'm alittle chimed off that the 3 pick'up SG doesnt come in red There go's all my ANGUS YOUNG impersonation's!

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