
Anyone mod this guitar with Duncan soapbars? I kind of like the stock pups but was wondering what SD's would sound like in it.


I put in Duncan Vintage P-90's and quickly re-installed the stockers!!!!! The Vintage P-90's were wayyyy bright! When I was playing the neck position I thought I was in the bridge it was so bright! I even changed pots to a different value and taht still didnt work!!! I really LOVE the stock 90's!!

I tried one of those in GC. the tone was softer and less punchy that my phat cats. the only reason I didn't buy one was the neck. all PRS SE's have a super fat neck that's just too much for my left hand.

I am really tempted to snag one of these axes, or maybe a Tremonti Soapbar SE off Ebay.

FWIW, the local Guitar Center(s) are blowing out the Soapbar SE II's for $254.00 brand not sure if that's just here but if it's everywhere now is a good time to grab one!

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireFWIW, the local Guitar Center(s) are blowing out the Soapbar SE II's for $254.00 brand not sure if that's just here but if it's everywhere now is a good time to grab one!

If that's what they are selling for I recommend grabbing one NOW! It was a steal at $375. At $254 it's the best buy out there.

I was considering selling mine and going with an LP Jr. , but I just don't think I'm going to have the tonal variety with just one pup. Plus, I can't envision the LP Jr. sounding $500 better than this little gem.

They are being blown out to make way for the lawsuit RI Single Cut SE's I'm speculating. Funny how that sounds, but they had the American singlecuts back up on PRS's website within days of the court decision. That's a heck of deal on a REALLY nice guitar!

It's selling for $499 on MF and AMS.

Not related to the Soapbar, but about a month ago I got a Tremonti SE when they reappeared after the lawsuit. The SE's are a great bang for the buck. I have ordered new pickups for mine, not that the stocks were bad, but I'm sure an upgrade wouldn't hurt.

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireFWIW, the local Guitar Center(s) are blowing out the Soapbar SE II's for $254.00 brand not sure if that's just here but if it's everywhere now is a good time to grab one!

WOW!!!!!! They are a KILLER DEAL for $600 IMO!!!! $254????? thats insaine!!!!

I recently picked one up for like $315 new, and well, it does rock. I love the stock PUP's and as much great luck as I've had with SD's I have no intention of changing the stocker PUP's out.
Congrats on your new axe, if you enjoy it half as much as I do mine you are in for a treat.
Take it easy,

I also tried a few of those in GC a couple of weeks ago and thought they had a real nice tone, they were priced at $499.

I also didn't think it was worth $499, but at $254 thats a nice deal. I really don't think those guitars are worth more than $300, you're paying at least $200 extra just for the PRS name.

Originally Posted by jayKI also tried a few of those in GC a couple of weeks ago and thought they had a real nice tone, they were priced at $499.

I also didn't think it was worth $499, but at $254 thats a nice deal. I really don't think those guitars are worth more than $300, you're paying at least $200 extra just for the PRS name.

?????why is that? They QC is better than a $2000 Gibson!

How are the necks on those guitars?

The neck on the Soapbar II is very large both in depth and width. I think it is larger and wider than my 59 style 335 and my 56 strat, and both are known to have large necks. I find most thick necked guitars to sound better as in having more girth to the actual unamplified note.

I really wish Fender and Gibson could put out something like this for even $500. Id get a Tele like that is a second.

Originally Posted by jayKI also tried a few of those in GC a couple of weeks ago and thought they had a real nice tone, they were priced at $499.

I also didn't think it was worth $499, but at $254 thats a nice deal. I really don't think those guitars are worth more than $300, you're paying at least $200 extra just for the PRS name.

I disagree, I think they are of excellent quality. I'd gladly pay $500 for one, $250 is even better! They are some of the best bang-for-the-buck axes out there IMO, along with Schecter.

Originally Posted by baba o'rileyHow are the necks on those guitars?

The neck has a large profile! Probally a tad bit bigger than a Gibson 50's profile! Big yet very comfy IMO! I have HUGE hands though!

Originally Posted by FretFireI disagree, I think they are of excellent quality. I'd gladly pay $500 for one, $250 is even better! They are some of the best bang-for-the-buck axes out there IMO, along with Schecter.

WORD!!!! I have not played a guitar in the $500-$600 price range that is better quality! Maybe Schecter but, I still think the PRS SE is a better bang for the buck and a tad better over all (nothing against Schecter, they are good)! Actually, I havent played many guitars in the $1000 price range that I think are better!

Originally Posted by theodieWORD!!!! I have not played a guitar in the $500-$600 price range that is better quality! Maybe Schecter but, I still think the PRS SE is a better bang for the buck and a tad better over all (nothing against Schecter, they are good)! Actually, I havent played many guitars in the $1000 price range that I think are better!

I is an amazing guitar, especially for the price. I really like the reponse of the tone knob. Such a variety of sounds when you roll it. Exactly what I hated about my SG Classic with p90s, which had very little response to rolling the tone knobs.

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