
My friend is looking around for a good guitar for around 350 to 400 ish range? Are Godin guitars as good as everyone says? If soo where would be a good place online to purchase them?

I have a Godin LG and think it is a FANTASTIC guitar. The shapes are a little out of the ordinary (with the freeways exception) but overall I love em. They are a bargain too for a US/Canada axe.

As far as online dealers go maybe someone else can chime in on that.


How much did the Godin LG set you back? I heard that one even comes stock with Duncans?

Originally Posted by baba o'rileyHow much did the Godin LG set you back? I heard that one even comes stock with Duncans?

Yeah it does, it had a set of Ducan P90 Customs, they are fat, and hot with good spank. I didn't like the 250K pots though so I changed them and the cap out. The neck profile is very nice and the fretwork is impressive especially for such a low cost guitar.

There's a black one a local store for about $500. It's one of the older ones like mine with 24 frets.


The LG Signature is the one that comes with duncans, its out of your friends price range, i own one.
The LG HMB is an amazing guitar, especialy for the price range of the guitar, and it also has a fair bit of versatility because of the 5-way pickup switch, i have played these guitars on NUMEROUS occasions, they play great.
Also they have a fixed/string-thru bridge(the LG series) which gives them a fair amount of sustain.
And as far as i know Godin does not sell there stuff online, but i can't really remember so i am no help there.
suddenly i do believe i am becoming somewhat of a godin spokesman for this forum......

Depending on what music style they play, i would look into either the LG(P90) the LG HMB or maybe the freeway classic or floyd, or if you like fixed bridges look into the freeway fixed.

Anyone own one of the SD series?

Originally Posted by baba o'rileyAnyone own one of the SD series?

I think it was just recently that someone posted a pic of an SD HSS Sunburst Flametop that was gorgeous. Pearl pickguard, I believe.

Its etched in my mind . . . the poster, however, escapes me.

Originally Posted by ArtieTooI think it was just recently that someone posted a pic of an SD HSS Sunburst Flametop that was gorgeous. Pearl pickguard, I believe.

Its etched in my mind . . . the poster, however, escapes me.

interesting how memory works isn't it?
and for some strange.. odd reason i can't remember the name of the poster either, damn, and the SD series should be right up you friends alley for price, i would appreciate if you told us what style of music they play.

He plays a pretty wide variety of stuff, mostly into blues and some 70's music. Loves Buddy Guy, Clapton, Blackmore, Knopfler, etc...

sdxt - def i nthe under 400 range, (although i have duncans in mine), i play blues, and rock mostly, occasioanlly more random stuff, with the pup combo i have it is quite versatile though def. more quot;classicquot; voiced, i love her...

I have a dark goldtop with real duncan p90s in it. LGp90 is the model. Got a boogered up one the first time, wrong neck on it. But once they got the neck scale length solved, the new one is awesome. 350 bucks. Check ebay There's a dealer out of WI that advertises there. just get their phone number and call them.

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