
from : localhost/is a local band near my and they are playing with James Labrie of Dream Theater in a few weeks, i wanted to know what you guys think of them..i think they are pretty damn good...they are a strait forward metal and i enjoy almost all of their stuff...what do u guys think?

sooo much better than my local music

OMG!! i posted after hearing like the first 30 seconds. after the whole song these guys ROCK. \m/ what i found really well was the singer was actualy singing unlike most metal bands today and the guitars were kick ass too.

Pretty cool stuff, not a big fan of the vocals, but pretty good music, for that genre.

yeah he does regular singing but also has that hetfield twist...they are probably the only other strait forwards 80's metal band around here besides my band everyone else is death or hardcore or emo

I prefer Deathmetal .

Out here, everyone is hardcore or emo, we have one melodicdeathmetal band besides us, and everyone else, save one or 2 hardcore bands, sucks.

the band has the chops.. the vocalist lacks abit power.

no offense to anyone..and this shouldn't be interpreted as me comming off as the greatest thing since sliced bread..ask anyone who knows me or who's in my band...i'm as modest as they come..cause I don't think I'm all that...but not really impressed.....the sound quality on the clips wasn't that great...that's probably the nature of the xml player for the sound files though....

sound file quality aside..didn't think their riffs were anything special and didn't care for the singer...didn't much like the guitar tone either...

feel free to label me an ******* my two cents though

Here's my fave local band. Live they kill. Sound like that but 10X better. The drummer sings, and I have no idea how he keeps in key when he's bashing the tubs like he does. Guitarist shouts. Even if you don't like the style, live they sound amazing. Guitarists tone was awesome live - he has an orange covered JCM, probably an 800 I couldn't see.

from : localhost/

Originally Posted by HetfieldRulesyeah he does regular singing but also has that hetfield twist...they are probably the only other strait forwards 80's metal band around here besides my band everyone else is death or hardcore or emo

the vocals remind me of overkill sort of.

yeah. my local music is big on hardcore and emo which i hate, but their are alot of other bands. i only like 2 other than my band (which sucks anyway) because they sound different.
these 2...
from : localhost/
from : localhost/

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