
Duncan Distortion Bridge. JB's big brother.

Is it sounding?

My JB just sounded way too metal in my Les Paul. I wanted something with much more vintage tone and less shrillness.

Yeah, I think it is metal sounding. The JB in mine was just too shrill for my tastes, the guitar was just too bright. I think the Distortion rounded out the sound better, a more full-bodied sound, actually sounds warmer IMO which seems odd for a ceramic. I'm talking about METAL tones of course. As for the clean tone, the JB/Jazz combo was killer... especially in the middle position using both pups. Keep in mind I'm no JB hater, as I have one in my Jackson that I absolutely love. I'm in a METAL frame of mind these days, so my pickup choices reflect that.

You might try Custom for a more vintage sound, while many swear by the 59. I've never tried the 59.

Shiet, yo. C5 in mohogany for me from now on. You HAVE to try one of these!

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Shiet, yo. C5 in mohogany for me from now on. You HAVE to try one of these!


Tried the C5, didn't care much for it in my guitar. My axe is wierd, I didn't much care for the Custom in it, either, and that should've been a slam dunk. In this axe, I've been through JB, C5, Custom, and the Screamin' Demon, and so far the two best in THIS guitar oddly enough were the Original 500T (which I might try again sometime) and this Distortion, which BTW is an F-spaced Distortion - barely fits.

Course... I'm playing through this Line6, so who the heck knows.

Originally Posted by JammerMattDuncan Distortion Bridge. JB's big brother.

I just heard one in my buds LP and was like WTF?????
i had one and i did not like in in my one lester?
so he tells me that he does not use a tone pot with it
sounded friggin KILLER without it!

it depends on the nature of your preamp too - SS preamps dont work so good with the EMG 81 and the hotrail, for example..


Originally Posted by Impit depends on the nature of your preamp too - SS preamps dont work so good with the EMG 81 and the hotrail, for example..


I agree
the EMG 81 works best in a JCM 800 or that sort
and the dimebucker goes great with the SS stuff
i also think the JB works best with al tube amps

its kinda hard to go wrong with a JCM 800 in that respect, thats one amp i wanna get before i die lol

81 into a decent all-tube marshall is a beautiful tone.. especially with the 18v mod

interesting comment on the dimebucker as well.. i have an L500XL running into my DSL401, and that sounds pretty nice - i think dimebuckers will still sound pretty good going into a tube amp, but it wont sound as close to dimebag's older tones...


Originally Posted by Impits kinda hard to go wrong with a JCM 800 in that respect, thats one amp i wanna get before i die lol

81 into a decent all-tube marshall is a beautiful tone.. especially with the 18v mod

interesting comment on the dimebucker as well.. i have an L500XL running into my DSL401, and that sounds pretty nice - i think dimebuckers will still sound pretty good going into a tube amp, but it wont sound as close to dimebag's older tones...


the DIME is not really finiky at all i just was saying that it quot; SEEMSquot; to really like the solid sate stuff
but by all means plug her into a all tube marshall and hear the ROAR!
duncan's pup love marshalll tubers
I sometimes wonder if ole seymour ever plugged into JIMI's stacks?

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