O.K. you electronics buffs....I was trying to work out a deal with GAWA for his JMP-1 amp; then it dawned on me; what about the power differences???
SO.....what does it take to convert the power amp; is it possible?....AND IS IT WORTH IT????
UK/ Euro Power is 230-240v, USA is as you know 110-120 (or near that range)
What you need is a mere power transformer, available almost everywhere, to convert the voltages.... Make sure it has enough power, though, I don´t recommend anything under 100 watts for a preamp by itself...
Zerb is exactly right. You could build one yourself, but it'd be just as cheap to buy one nowdays. They're just the power transformer and the correct connections for your amp and receptacle. Plus, it would have the safety features you and I would be tempted to leave out to save money.
Yeah, I remember when I was in the service stationed in Germany, they sold these little transformers....but is that just a temporary fix? Can you run it without any safety issues?
I know it would be cheaper, but can the actual unit be quot;transformedquot;???
While still living with my parents I remember that dad always had a few that were in constant (24/7/52) use, so they´re not necessarily just a temporary solution...
YOu can probably have the power section modded /the tranny replaced, but I dunno how much that would end up running you..... Transformer would definitely be cheaper as you noted
THANKS Zerb!I think for a quick fix, I'll grab a transformer amp; I also sent a message to Trace @ Voodoo Amps asking the same thing.
He does a lot of JMP-1 mods, so maybe I can get the whole thing done down the road????!!!!
Hey Zerb, will this do????
from : localhost/www.220appliances.com/asp/Pro...wn Converter
That should work just fine. Plus, if you ever go over there, you can use it for your laptop or whatever.
Thanks....not bad for $20.00 !
Yep, I think that should work... doesn´t look like the big grey boxes I´m used to, but If I´m reading the specs right ...
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 21:08
Euro To U.S. Power Conversion????