It's an '01, quot;Ebony Stainquot; color. I haven't seen this color in a Classic before. I guess they made these and the Heritage Cherry, but discontinued these after a year or two. These Classics are certainly a bargin for Gibson is letting these go at. The neck is a nice quot;Cquot; shape. It seems a bit less chunky than my SG-X. I was surprised. Another thing I noticed is the brightness compared to my SG-X. I don't know if it is the neck pickup route (SG-X has none) or the lighter tuners, but this thing is considerable brighter than my other SG. The quot;Ebony Satinquot; color looks black, but in good light it becomes more brown/redish/purple. It is an different color for Gibson. The body is in very good condition- some pick marks, but oddly no buckle rash at dings either. The bridge P-90 has a good grwol to it, the neck is warm and bassy. Both pickups have good punch to them clean. The neck and bridge combined are killer for cleans- glassy and punchy. I am very pleased so far with this axe. I see no reason to ever mod this baby. I don't know if I have ever said that before. Used some of the sellers pics to show the body color. The lights I have here did not make very good pics.
i have always wanted an sg classic. im jealous. clips are a must..... and by the way, killer axe.
I seriously have a boner now. I'm a total SG freak and that, my friend, is one hot ass guitar!
Rip that baby up!
thats a really nice guitar man. FOr a while i was gasing for a gibson with single coils forever but then i got hit with the acoustic bug. GIven the choice i would be hard pressed with an SG vs a les paul. Nice axe dude!
that is a kick ass guitar man, i've been keeping my eyes open for 1 just like that i think the ebony looks much better than the cherry. If you end up not liking it let me know
That is the guitar i want!!!! Townshend Live At Leeds style!
Very nice! I love that finish. Congrats
I want 1 of those!!! Gimme gimme gimme!!!
Nice SG bro. I've been lookin to get me one of the single p90 pup SG's sometime soon.
very nice...enjoy it!
Looks like that will pretty much round out your SG collection. I though I had a thing for 'em!
The SG Juniors are just so few and far between they usually sell for more than they are worth IMO. For about $250 more than what you would pay for a Jr, I got this.
Very cool guitar, good luck with it.
youre selling your aluminum necked guitar?
Awesome guitar. Gibson makes some killer P90s, I can't even think of replacing them.
that guitar ALMOST makes me not want a les paul junior double cut so bad, almost, nice guitar.
Cool, new gear ROCKS!
looks sweet - I need to earn or win money so I can get one of her sisters
how much was she?
I picked it up for $850 shipped. It only has one or two dings- no buckle rash, so it is almost mint. You can tell it has been played. The USA case I got with it is litterally mint. All that for the price of a new one, I'm happy.
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 21:08
I got my Sg Classic!