I have been planing on making my first Les Paul copy for a long time now.... Thinking this winter would be a good time and place to get started... Since it looks like this winter will be cold and snowy not much else to do....
I figure the first thing i would need to tackle is to work out a way to copy LP Standards inlays and figure out how to cut them into the fingerboard blank... If that goes smooth then i'd cut and bind the board and then build the neck around that.... As far as i can figure the best way to tackle this inlays is to make router templates so i can wip off inlays and route out boards as many as i want in the future as well...
But i wish to hear from experienced guitar makers who have done the LP Standard inlays before and how is the best way to go about this work? what is the best tools for this inlay work? Is making router templates heading in the right direction? What type of inlay materal is best for this work and can it be routed out.... On my LP Deluxe the guy used Mother Of Pearl pickguards to hand make inlays for a rebuilt neck he did for me... Should i use MOP pickguard plastic too?
Any help?
Sorry I cant answer your question, but as far as I can tell it would work.
from : localhost/is a good site for information on building electric (and acoustic) guitars.
Stewmac sells precut Inlays from : localhost/ But I must warn you, This is a very delicate operation. Practice on a beater 1st. I did blocks on my V last year. It took me about 3 hours each Inlay over the course of 3 weeks. You'll need a dremel with a router base ,lots of fresh razor blade's and a x-acto knife. I imagine the proper way to do this would be to remove the frets? ( I was to lazy to do this) Working with the frets in made it some what harder. Right or wrong? That's how I did it. I started by gluing the Inlay to the board (3M Stik glue) I then traced around the Inlay with a X-acto knife. Carefully! When I got around a 1/16th deep I knocked the inlay off the board. I then continued to deepen the lines w/t a razor. When I got to around a 1/8 I started chipping the rosewood around the parameter.Then route out the Inside. Repeat process untill the inlay fits. There is alot more Involved But that's the bacis version of how I did it. Hopefully the pro's will chime in. I don't want to corupt you with my hacker ways.
Originally Posted by kmcguitarsStewmac sells precut Inlays from : localhost/ But I must warn you, This is a very delicate operation. Practice on a beater 1st. I did blocks on my V last year. It took me about 3 hours each Inlay over the course of 3 weeks. You'll need a dremel with a router base ,lots of fresh razor blade's and a x-acto knife. I imagine the proper way to do this would be to remove the frets? ( I was to lazy to do this) Working with the frets in made it some what harder. Right or wrong? That's how I did it. I started by gluing the Inlay to the board (3M Stik glue) I then traced around the Inlay with a X-acto knife. Carefully! When I got around a 1/16th deep I knocked the inlay off the board. I then continued to deepen the lines w/t a razor. When I got to around a 1/8 I started chipping the rosewood around the parameter.Then route out the Inside. Repeat process untill the inlay fits. There is alot more Involved But that's the bacis version of how I did it. Hopefully the pro's will chime in. I don't want to corupt you with my hacker ways. And your V turned out awesome too! Post a pic of that bad boy again!
Cool V!!! But the inlays i want are not the square ones from Lp Customs.... I want the LP Standard Trapaziod inlays..... Or more liking i want to do a complete copy of a Les Paul Deluxe... I'm just wondering if a template set and a router is the right way to go.... I think i may try it.... I have a week off after xmas and i could try to fool around and see what i can come up with...
Anyone else out there done Gibson style inlays?
- Oct 26 Wed 2011 21:08
make Les Paul style inlays