I have approx 6 spreadsheets I need to merge into one document to receive a
final result. Each spreadsheet will be worked by a different indiviudual.
The spreadsheets are being used to produce auditing scores for several areas
and merged into one final soreadsheet rolling up all of the totals.
I'm unsure at this point what is the best way to go about this. Any
feedback is very appreciative.
Thank you.
Try this:
You might be able to use MS Query to consolidate the Excel ranges from your
multiple wkbks/wkshts. This also works for consolidating data from the
active workbook (Just save it first so Excel can find it):
This example uses 5 named ranges in 5 different workbooks.
(Each range contains 4 columns: Dept, PartNum, Desc, Price)
The data in each wkbk is structured like a table:
---gt;Col headings (Dept, PartNum, Desc, Price)
---gt;Columns are in the same order.
The data in each wkbk must be in named ranges.
---gt;I used rng1111Data for dept 1111's data, rng2222Data for dept 2222, etc
---gt;You may use the same range name in different wkbks.
(Note: MS Query may display warnings about it's ability to show the query
....ignore them and proceed.)
Starting with an empty worksheet:
1)Select the cell where you want the consolidated data to start
2)Datagt;Import External Datagt;New Database Query
gt;Databases: Excel Files
Browse to one of The files, pick The data range to import.
---gt;Accept defaults until the next step.
At The last screen select The View data/Edit The Query option.
Click the [SQL] button
Replace the displayed SQL code with an adapted version of this:
SELECT * FROM `C:\Dept1111`.rng1111Data
SELECT * FROM `C:\Dept2222`.rng2222Data
SELECT * FROM `C:\Dept3333`.rng3333Data
SELECT * FROM `C:\Dept4444`.rng4444Data
SELECT * FROM `C:\Dept5555`.rng5555Data
Return the data to Excel.
Once that is done....to get the latest data just click in the data range
then Datagt;Refresh Data.
(You can edit the query at any time to add/remove data sources and/or fields.)
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;mmarshall@sagamorequot; wrote:
gt; I have approx 6 spreadsheets I need to merge into one document to receive a
gt; final result. Each spreadsheet will be worked by a different indiviudual.
gt; The spreadsheets are being used to produce auditing scores for several areas
gt; and merged into one final soreadsheet rolling up all of the totals.
gt; I'm unsure at this point what is the best way to go about this. Any
gt; feedback is very appreciative.
gt; Thank you.
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
rolling up several spreadsheets into one