i'm trying to enter a formula for an invoice in excell h.s.landing @ 3.80 a
sq mtr x 10sq mtrs would be £38.00. how do i write that as a formula so that
every time i enter the word h.s.l. and enter the amount of sq mtrs fitted i
would get the cost automatically on the invioce
The problem with using quot;h.s.lquot; to activate the formula is that to Excel:
are all different entries only the first of which woule trigger the formula.
To get around this and with quot;h.s.l.quot; in F7 and the amont in H3 try:
=IF(SUM(IF(FIND({quot;Hquot;,quot;Squot;,quot;Lquot;},UPPER(F7)),1,0))=3,H 3*3.8,quot;quot;)
It would also be better if the 3.8 was not hard coded into the formula so
that it can be changed easily so with the money in G3 the formula would be:
=IF(SUM(IF(FIND({quot;Hquot;,quot;Squot;,quot;Lquot;},UPPER(F7)),1,0))=3,H 3*G3,quot;quot;)
In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
with @tiscali.co.ukquot;SONIA NEW TO FORMULA'S HELPquot; lt;SONIA NEW TO FORMULA'S
gt; wrote in message
gt; i'm trying to enter a formula for an invoice in excell h.s.landing @
gt; 3.80 a
gt; sq mtr x 10sq mtrs would be �38.00. how do i write that as a formula so
gt; that
gt; every time i enter the word h.s.l. and enter the amount of sq mtrs fitted
gt; i
gt; would get the cost automatically on the invioce
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 20:08
a h.s.l.@ £3.80 mtr amp; 10sq m are fitted whats the formula help