This is a simple mistake but for some reason I can not get around it...any
help would be great.
What I am trying to accomplish is to have one cell (in this case T11)
display the winner of a game from cells R10 and R12. I am using quot;IFquot; gt;, lt;
and = to display the winner or a tie. The problem I am running into is if
they two cells have not played yet, it will show in cell T11 the first cell
(R10) as the winner. Is there a formula to add to this so it will not show a
winner in T11 until a number is in place? Here is my formula:
=(IF(S10gt;S12,R10,R12) IF(S10=S12,0))
Don't, know where S10 and S12 come into it
=IF(OR(R10=quot;quot;,R12=quot;quot;),quot;quot;,IF(R10gt;R12,R10,IF(R10lt;R12 ,R12,quot;tiequot;)))
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
quot;jboss73quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; This is a simple mistake but for some reason I can not get around it...any
gt; help would be great.
gt; What I am trying to accomplish is to have one cell (in this case T11)
gt; display the winner of a game from cells R10 and R12. I am using quot;IFquot; gt;, lt;
gt; and = to display the winner or a tie. The problem I am running into is if
gt; they two cells have not played yet, it will show in cell T11 the first
gt; (R10) as the winner. Is there a formula to add to this so it will not
show a
gt; winner in T11 until a number is in place? Here is my formula:
gt; =(IF(S10gt;S12,R10,R12) IF(S10=S12,0))
Got it.....thanks for your help!
quot;Bob Phillipsquot; wrote:
gt; Don't, know where S10 and S12 come into it
gt; =IF(OR(R10=quot;quot;,R12=quot;quot;),quot;quot;,IF(R10gt;R12,R10,IF(R10lt;R12 ,R12,quot;tiequot;)))
gt; --
gt; HTH
gt; Bob Phillips
gt; (remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
gt; quot;jboss73quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; news
gt; gt; This is a simple mistake but for some reason I can not get around it...any
gt; gt; help would be great.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; What I am trying to accomplish is to have one cell (in this case T11)
gt; gt; display the winner of a game from cells R10 and R12. I am using quot;IFquot; gt;, lt;
gt; gt; and = to display the winner or a tie. The problem I am running into is if
gt; gt; they two cells have not played yet, it will show in cell T11 the first
gt; cell
gt; gt; (R10) as the winner. Is there a formula to add to this so it will not
gt; show a
gt; gt; winner in T11 until a number is in place? Here is my formula:
gt; gt; =(IF(S10gt;S12,R10,R12) IF(S10=S12,0))
When R10:R11 contain player names, and S10:S11 their scores, then
=CHOOSE(IF(OR(S10=quot;quot;;S11=quot;quot;);1;(S10gt;S11) 2*(S10gt;S1 1) 1);quot;Tiequot;;R10;R11)--
Arvi Laanemets
( My real mail address: arvi.laanemetslt;atgt; )
quot;jboss73quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; This is a simple mistake but for some reason I can not get around it...any
gt; help would be great.
gt; What I am trying to accomplish is to have one cell (in this case T11)
gt; display the winner of a game from cells R10 and R12. I am using quot;IFquot; gt;, lt;
gt; and = to display the winner or a tie. The problem I am running into is if
gt; they two cells have not played yet, it will show in cell T11 the first
gt; cell
gt; (R10) as the winner. Is there a formula to add to this so it will not
gt; show a
gt; winner in T11 until a number is in place? Here is my formula:
gt; =(IF(S10gt;S12,R10,R12) IF(S10=S12,0))
- May 27 Tue 2008 20:44
Simple Function question?