I have dates when something was requested in column 'o' and when it was
received in column 'q'. I had a formula for calculating the number of
days between the two dates and it was working fine. The IT department
just upgraded my Microsoft Office to 2003 and now the formula no longer
works. Any thoughts?
Here's the formula:
=IF(ISBLANK(O9),quot;quot;,IF(ISBLANK(Q9),quot;quot;,IF(ISBLANK(Q9 ),quot;quot;,NETWORKDAYS(O9,Q9)-1)))
By the way, I also tried the formula stripped down to:
=NETWORKDAYS(O9,Q9) and that returned the same error message (which was
#NAME? )
Marilyn=Networkdays() is part of the analysis toolpak addin.
and turn it on.
(Depending on how excel was installed, you may need the CD.)
bakercenter wrote:
gt; I have dates when something was requested in column 'o' and when it was
gt; received in column 'q'. I had a formula for calculating the number of
gt; days between the two dates and it was working fine. The IT department
gt; just upgraded my Microsoft Office to 2003 and now the formula no longer
gt; works. Any thoughts?
gt; Here's the formula:
gt; =IF(ISBLANK(O9),quot;quot;,IF(ISBLANK(Q9),quot;quot;,IF(ISBLANK(Q9 ),quot;quot;,NETWORKDAYS(O9,Q9)-1)))
gt; By the way, I also tried the formula stripped down to:
gt; =NETWORKDAYS(O9,Q9) and that returned the same error message (which was
gt; #NAME? )
gt; Thanks,
gt; Marilyn
Dave Peterson
Thank you sooooo much! It was all I needed.
- May 27 Tue 2008 20:44
=networkdays formula was working, but not in upgrade to 2003