Hi, I have an Excel-list with money transactions on different projects. I
would like the pivot report to exclude the projects that balance - are equal
to 0 (zero). Can I do that. It must be easy but I can not get it done...thank
you in advance! / Anette
try adding an extra column to the data which contains a label of 'hide'
or display' where that value is determined by using a sumif calculation
so that if the sum of all trx values for a project is zero then it gets
a label of 'hide' else 'display'. Then in the pivot table put the
'hide/display' label in the Page area and select only 'Display'.
Formula would look like assuming the column headings were in row A ...
'=IF(SUMIF($A$2:$A$100 [the list of projects],$A$2:$A$100 [the list of
projects],$B$2:$B$100 [values for each project])=0,quot;Hidequot;,quot;Displayquot;)
... it worked when I tested it :-)--
steven1001's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30757
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=514160You could use conditional format on the cells to set the foreground
colour to white if the cell contents are equal to zero.
Hope this helps.
- May 27 Tue 2008 20:44
Pivot report