I have a simple spreadsheet, in columns A and B are months of the year (from
Jan 90 to present) and the Annual Inflation Rates for those years...
In cell E4, I enter Month X, and in F4 I enter Month Y
I need to work out the average of the corresponding inflation rates BETWEEN
those two months
e.g. if X is Jan 90 and Y is March 90, I need to find out the average of the
inflation rate for Jan Feb and Mar 90.
Anyone think they might be able to help me? I'm completely stumped!
DanielYou can define the range that you want to work with by using the Offset
function. Something like:
=average(offset(b1,e4,0,f4-e4 1,1))
This will give you the arithmetic average of the cell range. However, it will
*not* give you the actual inflation rate for that period, because inflation
rates compound just like interest rates.
If you want the actual inflation rate, you need to calculate the future value of
$1 from month e4 to f4. If the actual inflation rate is what you want, post back
if you need more help calculating it.
Fredquot;Daniel9684quot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a simple spreadsheet, in columns A and B are months of the year (from
gt; Jan 90 to present) and the Annual Inflation Rates for those years...
gt; In cell E4, I enter Month X, and in F4 I enter Month Y
gt; I need to work out the average of the corresponding inflation rates BETWEEN
gt; those two months
gt; e.g. if X is Jan 90 and Y is March 90, I need to find out the average of the
gt; inflation rate for Jan Feb and Mar 90.
gt; Anyone think they might be able to help me? I'm completely stumped!
gt; Thanks
gt; Daniel
Try something like this array formula:
=AVERAGE(IF((MONTH(A1:A10)gt;=MONTH(E4))*(YEAR(A1:A1 0)gt;=YEAR(E4))*(MONTH(A1:A10)lt;=MONTH(F4))*(YEAR(A1: A10)lt;=YEAR(F4)),B1:B10))
enter using Ctrl Shift Enter
E4 and F4 must be formatted as dates
quot;Daniel9684quot; wrote:
gt; I have a simple spreadsheet, in columns A and B are months of the year (from
gt; Jan 90 to present) and the Annual Inflation Rates for those years...
gt; In cell E4, I enter Month X, and in F4 I enter Month Y
gt; I need to work out the average of the corresponding inflation rates BETWEEN
gt; those two months
gt; e.g. if X is Jan 90 and Y is March 90, I need to find out the average of the
gt; inflation rate for Jan Feb and Mar 90.
gt; Anyone think they might be able to help me? I'm completely stumped!
gt; Thanks
gt; Daniel
The first formula I gave you doesn't seem to work across multiple years only
within a specific year, I don't know why so try this one instead:
=AVERAGE(IF((A1:A100gt;=DATE(YEAR(E4),MONTH(E4),1))* (A1:A100lt;=DATE(YEAR(F4),MONTH(F4),1)),B1:B100))
=AVERAGE(IF((A1:A100gt;=DATE(YEAR(E4),MONTH(E4),1))* (A1:A100lt;=DATE(YEAR(F4),MONTH(F4) 1,1)-1),B1:B100))
again enter using Ctrl Shift Enter
quot;Daniel9684quot; wrote:
gt; I have a simple spreadsheet, in columns A and B are months of the year (from
gt; Jan 90 to present) and the Annual Inflation Rates for those years...
gt; In cell E4, I enter Month X, and in F4 I enter Month Y
gt; I need to work out the average of the corresponding inflation rates BETWEEN
gt; those two months
gt; e.g. if X is Jan 90 and Y is March 90, I need to find out the average of the
gt; inflation rate for Jan Feb and Mar 90.
gt; Anyone think they might be able to help me? I'm completely stumped!
gt; Thanks
gt; Daniel
- May 27 Tue 2008 20:44
Averaging Cells