I have a simple spreadsheet that has 3 columns. the three columns contain
seperatly, thier name, Date of Birth and Date of Hire. I want to be able to
link the 3 cells together, so when i organize the information by name, DOB,
or DOH, the other cells move with it. Can anyone please offer assitance?
If I understand you correctly....you want to be able to sort by Name, DOB, or
Hire Date and have the corresponding data all move together.
If that's correct, try this:
Select your entire data list, including the three column headings.
Click: My list has a Header Row
Select the sort field (Example: Name)
Click OK
The list will now be sorted by Name and the DOB and Hire Date for each name
will be sorted with it.
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;Randyquot; wrote:
gt; I have a simple spreadsheet that has 3 columns. the three columns contain
gt; seperatly, thier name, Date of Birth and Date of Hire. I want to be able to
gt; link the 3 cells together, so when i organize the information by name, DOB,
gt; or DOH, the other cells move with it. Can anyone please offer assitance?
- May 27 Tue 2008 20:44
how do i link specefic cells?