
I have six databases which have the same measure in them.Now I have put all
the 6 databases measures in 6 column side by side.I want to match the six
columns so that the output is in that form where all the measures that are
not matching exactly to any of the six databses are highlighted or False
sttement comes up.Here is the example data

Databse1 Database 2 Database 3 Database 4.................

DollarSales Dollar Sales Dollar Sales $ Sales
Dollar Share Dollar Share Dollar Share Unit Sales
and so on for around 500 rows.What I want is that all the databases should
have the same naming convention....Dollar should be Dollar and not $.Moreover
each column data is not alligned with the other column.So I also want the
data to be aligned first for all columns and then compare all the six
databases and find oth that is there any changes.....Help from anyone will be really very much appreciated as this work is
really eating up a lot of my tiime as I am doin it manually...You can expand this formula pretty easily:

=ISNUMBER(MATCH(1,(A2=Othersheet!$A$1:$A$100)*(B2= Othersheet!$B$1:$B$100),0))

Just keep adding *(C2=othersheet!$c$1:$c$100)...
for a total of six columns.

This is an array formula. Hit ctrl-shift-enter instead of enter. If you do it
correctly, excel will wrap curly brackets {} around your formula. (don't type
them yourself.)

Adjust the range to match--but you can't use the whole column.

Deeptiman wrote:
gt; I have six databases which have the same measure in them.Now I have put all
gt; the 6 databases measures in 6 column side by side.I want to match the six
gt; columns so that the output is in that form where all the measures that are
gt; not matching exactly to any of the six databses are highlighted or False
gt; sttement comes up.Here is the example data
gt; Databse1 Database 2 Database 3 Database 4.................
gt; DollarSales Dollar Sales Dollar Sales $ Sales
gt; Dollar Share Dollar Share Dollar Share Unit Sales
gt; and so on for around 500 rows.What I want is that all the databases should
gt; have the same naming convention....Dollar should be Dollar and not $.Moreover
gt; each column data is not alligned with the other column.So I also want the
gt; data to be aligned first for all columns and then compare all the six
gt; databases and find oth that is there any changes.....
gt; Help from anyone will be really very much appreciated as this work is
gt; really eating up a lot of my tiime as I am doin it manually...


Dave Peterson

You can apply autofilters to the columns and carefully note the range
of values that you can see in the pull-down list for each filter - you
might see quot;Dollar xxxquot;, quot; Dollar xxxquot;, quot; Dollar xxxquot;, so this will
give you some idea of what you have to change.

You can then highlight all the cells in your six columns and use Find amp;
Replace (CTRL_H) repeatedly to ensure you have the same naming
convention - shouldn't take too long. For example:

Find: quot; Dquot; (space space D)
Replace with: quot;Dquot;

Find: quot; Dquot; (space D)
Replace with: quot;Dquot;

Find: quot; Uquot;
Replace with: quot;Uquot;

Find: quot;$quot;
Replace with: quot;Dollar quot; (Dollar space

Find: quot; quot; (2 spaces)
Replace with: quot; quot; (single space)

Obviously, you don't include the quotes above when you type the entries
in. You can then use the filters again to see if you have missed any
different formats.

Hope this helps.


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