
I am trying to create a formula using if a cell is = to the letter A then
multiply one cell by another or, if that same cell is = to the letter B, then
multiply one cell by another. I would greatly appreciate some help on how
this would be typed.
Thanks in advance=if(A1=quot;Aquot;,b1*c1,if(A1=quot;Bquot;,b2*c2,quot;invalid entryquot;)).
In general, for two tests in nested ifs:
=if(first_condition,first_result,if(second_conditi on,second_result,other_result))
Enter the formula in the cell where the result should appear.

quot;Amstequot; wrote:

gt; I am trying to create a formula using if a cell is = to the letter A then
gt; multiply one cell by another or, if that same cell is = to the letter B, then
gt; multiply one cell by another. I would greatly appreciate some help on how
gt; this would be typed.
gt; Thanks in advance

=IF(A1=quot;Aquot;,B1*C1,IF(A1=quot;Bquot;,D1*E1,quot;Something Elsequot;))

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
------------------------------*------------------------------*----------------quot;Amstequot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I am trying to create a formula using if a cell is = to the letter A then
gt; multiply one cell by another or, if that same cell is = to the letter B,
gt; then
gt; multiply one cell by another. I would greatly appreciate some help on how
gt; this would be typed.
gt; Thanks in advance

You can use a nested if statement to do this. Here is one that I have
in one of my worksheets:
=IF(C290=quot;Hquot;,PRODUCT(B290*goals!$C$1),IF(C290=quot;Squot;, PRODUCT(B290*goals!$C$2),quot;
quot;)). The tricky part is making sure you have enough parenthesis at the
end to close everything.--
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