I am busy programming a work sheet in exel 2003. I need to have more than 7
If functions in one of my formulas to pick up correct amounts. How do I do
this as excel only allows for 7.
i think you can change fuction IF with LOOKUP .
Write more information about what are you trying to do.
quot;Heindrichquot; lt;Heindrich @discussions.microsoft.comgt; wrote in message ...
gt; I am busy programming a work sheet in exel 2003. I need to have more than 7
gt; If functions in one of my formulas to pick up correct amounts. How do I do
gt; this as excel only allows for 7.
*Usually* you will find there are easier ways to do things than lots of
nested IFs. Give us an idea of what you are trying to accomplish and we can
help you out.
quot;Heindrichquot; wrote:
gt; I am busy programming a work sheet in exel 2003. I need to have more than 7
gt; If functions in one of my formulas to pick up correct amounts. How do I do
gt; this as excel only allows for 7.
I am developing an asset register that complies with new IFRS requirements.
So i have a financial year that begins in march 2004 and ends Feb 2005. So
the formula I am writing picks up additions in this period and disposals
within the date range and then has to return the amount of months remaining
in that year, and if the asset was not purchased in the given date range it
has to return the value of 12 (months for the year)
Hope this helps
quot;Duke Careyquot; wrote:
gt; *Usually* you will find there are easier ways to do things than lots of
gt; nested IFs. Give us an idea of what you are trying to accomplish and we can
gt; help you out.
gt; quot;Heindrichquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am busy programming a work sheet in exel 2003. I need to have more than 7
gt; gt; If functions in one of my formulas to pick up correct amounts. How do I do
gt; gt; this as excel only allows for 7.
Nope, it doesn't help.
Give us an example of one of your IF formulas and a clear statement of what
your logical 'ifs' are trying to doquot;Heindrichquot; wrote:
gt; I am developing an asset register that complies with new IFRS requirements.
gt; So i have a financial year that begins in march 2004 and ends Feb 2005. So
gt; the formula I am writing picks up additions in this period and disposals
gt; within the date range and then has to return the amount of months remaining
gt; in that year, and if the asset was not purchased in the given date range it
gt; has to return the value of 12 (months for the year)
gt; Hope this helps
gt; quot;Duke Careyquot; wrote:
gt; gt; *Usually* you will find there are easier ways to do things than lots of
gt; gt; nested IFs. Give us an idea of what you are trying to accomplish and we can
gt; gt; help you out.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Heindrichquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I am busy programming a work sheet in exel 2003. I need to have more than 7
gt; gt; gt; If functions in one of my formulas to pick up correct amounts. How do I do
gt; gt; gt; this as excel only allows for 7.
Setup... In A1 put the StartDate, 1/3/05, in B1 the EndDate 1/2/06.
In C1 put the parameter date of the thing in question, e.g. 1/4/05.
=IF(AND(A3gt;=A1,A3lt;=A2),IF(MONTH(A3)gt;=3,12-MONTH(A3) 3,MONTH(A3)),12)--
MattShoreson's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=3472
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=530504
BTW the last post assumes you want the remaining months in the fiscal
MattShoreson's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=3472
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=530504
- Mar 09 Fri 2007 20:36
nested fnctions