I need an impedance chart of all the Duncan humbuckers. This is important to me but i cant seem to find this info.

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I was playing my Hughes and Kettner combo earlier and I blew a tube. I had a replacement and everythings all good now, but i have a couple questions for ya.

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Hey there! I just registered here, and I'm the very proud owner of a 1987 Charvel model 4. It's a MIJ strat (bolt on, 22 frets) with very dark rosewood fretboard (a friend of mine thought it was ebony), sharkies, pointy headstock, Floyd rose, midbooster, HSS pickup configuration, and individual pickup switches. It's my first guitar and I couldn't be happier, the neck is the most comfortable thing I have ever played and the guitar is mint aside from some scratches here and there. It's just one year younger than me so I guess it could way worse
So does anyone else here own a Charvel? Model series, toothpaste series, San Dimas?

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Holy ****E!!!! This pup is perfect in the bridge position!!! Not too hot, with plenty of mids and bottom end. It defiently is the perfect quot;hot rodded PAF quot; tone IMO. The only drawback is that is not nearly as loud as the stock neck pup.

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Just a quick thanks to the posters here, I never asked questions, only read post after post (I believe you call it lurking).

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It just arrived, which was quite surprising, because when I ordered it about a week ago they said I wouldn't get it until end of May/early June!!! The delivery man turned up whilee I was at the shops so I went and picked it up. (No, I couldn't wait till tomorrow! )

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Yeah, finally good ole GJ gets around to putting up a Sounclick page!

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Yesterday I was picking out my Christmas gift (new guitar) at the local guitar center. Now, I was looking at different guitars for awhile and one I really liked was the Fender Classic Series 50s Strat. But it was 300 dollars more then I could afford. So I go inside going to choose a new Standard Strat.

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Im wonderen how it will sound in the bridge position of my strat for playin metal, I love to solo but it also has to be great for that metallica crunch

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Little fretboard visualization exercise i made up. Played on one of my amp creations, the ***** preamp and 7C5 power amp, thru an Ampeg r-412.

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