I recently bought a second hand hollow body guitar. It's a Peavey Rockingham, an imitation of Gretsch and Guild guitars.
I need some new pickups because the old ones are not working properly.

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This has been said before, but it's so easily overlooked and worth repeating.....

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Allright, I'm gearin up here to sell about three guitars, and I'm gonna use the money from that to buy a better guitar to replace my ibanez AX for open C tuning.

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I have a guitar made out of basswood. It has a 24quot; rosewood/maple neck and a vintage tremelo. I'm looking to get new pickups for it, but am unsure as to what I should get. For the bridge, I want something that can do distortion pretty well, but also do nice cleans. For the neck, I'm looking for something with rockin' distortion. If it has a nice clean, that's great, but if not, no big deal. I know basswood is supposed to be a bit bassier in sound compared to alder, so I dont' know if that means I should look into pickups that concentrate on the mid and high frequencies. Any words of advice form you guys would be greatly appretiated.

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Hey everyone, i posted a couple days ago about putting some new pups in my new agile. But i came up with a better plan. im gonna put new pups in my les paul, and take the FRED out of the paul and put it into the strat. so ive decided on a seth lover bridge. but the neck, would a seth be too muddy for clean chords? i actualy like my distorted neck sounds to be veryyy muddy but i love crystal clear clean chords. i have a feeling it would be great for pushed clean leads, llike when your chords distort when you dig but your leads stay clean big and bold. or am i asking to much from a pickup?

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Anyone has/tried them?
I'm gonna upgrade my cab some more, already have 2 Celestion Vintage 30ies but looking around I got interested in those Neodymium Celestions.

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I am not sure what opinion you guys hold on this but I love Gretsch guitars and think they are very unique, but am I the only one who feels crazy for spending $2000 on a new Gretsch that's got a big Made in Korea stamp on the headstock? I know that even the Korean models are better made than some of the original models made in the US, but still...... I have heard that now since Fender owns Gretsch they will be producing some Made in USA versions, but these are supposed to be in the $5000-$6000 range for a 6120. I don't know....... I guess this just honks me off for some reason. You can get a Gretsch used for much less like any other guitar, but the fact that someone has to buy it new just gets at me. Am I the only one that feels this way? Am I missing something?The bigger picture?????

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Distortion set amp; EMG SPC control... all I gotta say

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Hey people!

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Greetings guys,
I was wondering if anyone has tried this guitar out yet? I was thinking of picking one up but can't seem to find one available. Anyone know a dealer that carries this axe?

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