Hey people!
I've got this 89 Charvel 650XL (or custom as some people say) and I don't seem to nail its best PU set. I took off the original Jackson set that works with a active mid-boost and replaced it with Fender singles and a Bill Lawrence 500... no good, lack of gain. Then I put a JB - fender - HotRails and this it for now. The JB is not working either with no definition, loose bass AND loose highs as well! The HotRails is too loud and too bassy, not matching the JB and making the Fender feel like an alien (but this I could've told).
Anyway, the guitar is a neckthrough as I said. I want your opinion on a definitive PU set. H-s-s. I use this guitar mainly for my heavy rock work.
The Jackson SL1 comes stock with the JB and two Classic Stacks (STKS1). The Stacks are very nice and glassy and I know I wouldn't hate to have those in one of my axes! Give 'em a shot.
The complex and distinctive sound of the old Stratocaster® guitars was due to the narrow, sharply focused magnetic field of the single coil pickup. With staggered magnet heights, our Classic Stack® pickup duplicates this sought after sound. By stacking two coils on top of each other, the annoying noise and hum of the single coil pickup is eliminated.
Jb/ Vintage Rail/ Vintage Rail
Custom/surfer / Surfer Chris
i like jb/hr/hr ... but lower the HRs down some in order to get the tonal and volume balance
good luck
Think that the CoolRails are the quot;perfectquot; match for the JB, especialy in the neck pos.
Do you think it is possible to back off some bass with the height adjustment? I wanted something a little more glassy like a stereoids strat you know? Or is it a waste of time trying this on this particular guitar?
H-S-S = JB-PG-59s ?
If you want a strat on 'roids sound from the neck and middle, go with a pair of Cool Rails.
JB - SSL1- SSL1 or JB - SVR - SVR
This is what I am doing with my Fender Fat Strat.
SVR are the Vintage Rails, sweet sounding
Guys, Iwould like to pick this discussion again and add that the JB is not working also... I was playing only through my computer recording stuff but I took it for a real ride in my real rig (see bellow) and it sounds totally loose! No definition at all either on the bass or the higher regions! No dry pinch harmonics, no single note articulation... All my guitars sound great on this rig but this thing is just not working! Help! This guitar IS cool, Iknow that! What is wrong??
get a cool rail in the neck and middle spots..and a custom in the bridge
Custom or EMG 85 bridge.
Originally Posted by Benjy_26If you want a strat on 'roids sound from the neck and middle, go with a pair of Cool Rails.
With the proper adjustment I got the quot;stratish malmsteenquot; sound with the CRn. And matches very well with the JBb!
if the hots are too hot go cool? vintage?
Cool instead of HotRails... hmmmmmm... and what about the humbucker? My luthier is going to fix me a Custom Custom to see how it goes? What do you guys think? Will it help to get a more focused tight overall sound?
Dropped a dmz Norton on it wich is a muddier sounding pickup. It smoothed the highs somewhat but still no decent fuller midrange... it feels like it doesn't cut through!! The guitar is maple necktrough by the way...
Would a JB back in with a 250k pot be an idea to think about? i don'nt know what to do anymore...
Man, I gotta make it sound good!!!!!!
Try out a Custom already!!!
Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Try out a Custom already!!!
DeadSkin, I will try it out but listening to those clips on the site I did not get the feeliing that the mids are going to be there... But I'l try anyway and will tell you about it...
My 650xl has a Distortion/Cool Rails/Hot Rails set in it. I tore out the mid boost and added push/pull knobs for the CR/HR. Now I've got 3 volume knobs with coil splitting for the neck/middle pickups. That thing is an incredibly versatile rock/metal machine. It is still my go to guitar when I can't get a good vibe off of anything else.
i think a custom custom, or a super distortion in the bridge would be awesome with cool rails
- Sep 11 Sun 2011 21:07
H/S/S on a neck through. Sugestions?