
I'm not sure what the differences between a noise GATE and a noise SUPRESSOR are, could somebody please explain this to me? Also, I've had good experience with Boss pedals. I was considering the NS-2, does anybody know if this is a quality pedal? I was also looking at the Boss Flanger, any input helps. Thanks!

The NS-2 did made my noisy MIM tele a quiet little mouse when i leave it lying around connected to the amp so i suppose its pretty effective at what it is suppose to do.

thanks buddy

Most of my stuff is rack mounted, but on a whim I bought an NS-2 last year. Great pedal, does the job very well!

I have an ancient BOSS 1/2 rack noise suppressor from the 80's that works quite well (the NS-20). I only use it on recordings, tho.

AFAIK, a noise supressor = a noise gate.. just different names

Originally Posted by ImpAFAIK, a noise supressor = a noise gate.. just different names

This is true.

Avoid the NS-2 if you use high gain. The more I play with it, the more I find that it does affect your tone for the worse, and it doesn't kill enough noise for me.

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