Hey guys, is this a good combo for a les paul?
A JB neck and DD bridge. Or maybe a XL500 bridge? I play mostly rock and fusion. I like a good crunch and a nice lead tone. Thanks!
DD bridge would be ok. however i think the JB in bridge would better IMO.
JB has a pretty high output, and in the neck maybe it would be too much.
Personally i think JB bridge for crunchy heavy tones (pretty ok for cleans as well) and a jazz neck (great lead tone in a LP and works well for fusion too)
A Pearly Gates in the neck and a DD in the bridge would make for one mean sounding LP. The JB would be a bit muddy in the neck of a LP IMHO.
I like the Duncan Custom bridge and 59 neck in a Paul (or a set of 59s).
- Sep 11 Sun 2011 21:08
LP combo?