
I just got an old 12-string acoustic (about 30 yrs). It sounds reaaalllyyyy good but damn, it's hard to play in tune. A Buzz Feiten install including full setup and fret job costs about $550. This guitar is definetely a keeper, lots of volume, bass and high-end sprinkle.

A Buzz Feiten install exceeds the cost of the guitar itself so.. maybe a $100 setup would be smarter. Still.. would be lovely to play in tune all the way up the neck.

Is it worth it?

JohnJohn does installations, and he is a believer.

Consider this a bump for ya.

Also curious about Buzz...

I have one. It Rocks

I don't own one, but I played a 6-string acoustic with the Buzz Feiten system last year. It was amazing. Chords beyond the third or fourth fret sounded in tune just like the others. I'm going to get it on my Gibson acoustic and possibly my electrics in the not too distant future. Is that price $550 Sweedish or $550 American? The suggested retail price of the Feiten system is only $139 (US), so even with a slight mark up and a fret job that seems kind of high.

may prove to be usefull in answering some of your questions. I also hear that the Earvana system is a decent, lower-priced alternative, though it won't quite do as much as the Buzz Feiten system.

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