
Man i had a real slap in the face yesterday when a friend on mine came over to jam with his LP.
He just got a DD in the bridge spot and it sounded HUGE! gave my 81 a run for its money!!!!!!
I asked him why the hell mine sounded so quot;boxyquot; and not to my liking and he said did you use the tone pot with it?
I say YEAH?
He said the DD sounds best without one?
and from what i heard comin out of his LP he is right!
Now i really regret sending mine back for exchange a custom cause i really liked it without the tone pot hooked up

Hmmm . . . I might have to disconnect mine to see what the buzz is all about.

I should add that now i see why some guys say the DD is like a passive verison emg 81 after hearing it this way

Its not a huge difference, it lets a little more juice through and a little more top end grit.

what do you think the tone difference would be if i disconnected the tone from my Invader.

how would i disconnect my tone pot? im a total moron when it comes to electronics

the tone pots usually are a 'secondary' connection from the main signal path, if you follow the path from the pickup to the jack, the tone pot wire is usually like an extra bit between the volume pot and the jack..

from : localhost//website...tone_3way.html

in this example, you'd remove the cap and leave the pot in for show

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