
Man oh man, my hands are still shaking.

Just bought a VHT pittbull 50CL on Ebay and got to say I'm feeling a bit...well, overwhelmed. The last amp I bought was in '93, a classic thirty, so I'm really entering uncharted territory. I don't even own a cab yet.

After years of blues jams and not practicing enough I'm getting back into my old favorites, Lynch, EVH, Gilbert etc. so I just had to throw down on the head I've always wanted. Damn this is a good buzz just buying the darn thing!!

So ladies and gents I just had to share this and ask for some thoughts on cabs. I've got some good creative financing ideas (selling a buttload of stuff) so I should be able to spend around 7 bills, after paying for the head. After reading through a ton of great info here (thanks everyone), I'm thinking Splawn with the suggested X pattern of eminence speakers. Just wanted to ask if anyone has a different suggestion. The splawn seems like a good deal considering a decent condition Marshall goes for just a couple bills less.

Thanks for hearing me out and any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

......and thanks RGN for your detailed descriptions and experience. Your clips and words gave me the push I needed. COOL!!!

That amp ontop of a Splawn 4x12 with Eminence's will slay anything within a 100yd radius. That is one insane rig!

Good thing I live out in the sticks and I'll get to crank her up when my wife goes to town, hehe.

Luckily VHT makes some great cabs, so maybe you should spend about $475 used, and track down the matching cab. 4-12's are great, but maybe a 2-12 is more suitable?
Matching sets look more uniform IMO.

That makes a ton of sense. I guess I didn't consider the VHT cab being that reasonable but I like the idea of used if it's in good shape. Is the Vht build quality on par with the splawn? I know thats kinda a silly question but the splawns just look overbuilt, bullet proof.

Gearjoneser, you got me thinking about a 2 x 12 now. There's only a couple of times a year when I play outdoors in a setting where the I need to push that much air. I haven't played through any modern 2 x 12's and there's always the PA to get some spread. Maybe a dumb question but in an outdoor setting am I giving up that much with the 2X?

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