
Greetings Dudes, I Need New Guitar And Amp Because I Realize That The Ones I Own Are Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally Bad.

So I Want Opinions And Recomendations Of What Should I Buy

I Can Spend 600 Bucks For A New Guitar And Amp(nothing Profesional), But I Want Quality And Durabilty

I Dont Like To Focus In Only One Kind Of Genre Or Specific Style, I Want A Versatile Instrument But Mainly Rock And Roll

Ill Appreciate Your Help Dudes!

$600 For a good Guitar AND Amp? I dunno if your gonna be able to pull that off......

First ya should tell us all what your useing right now (guitar, weather its got replacement pickups, and if so what kind. Make/model of amp, etc..) Cause everyone may Be able to suggest cheap ways to make the Guitar you've already got more playable, and sound better. Or things ta do ta get the most outta your amp.

Its gonna be Quite a feat to get a Good guitar and Amp for Under $600.

good luck

Go used, and be selective, and I bet you can snag a pretty decent Korean or Japanese electric and a Line 6, Crate, or Randall amp for well under 6 bills.

Come on, if he's got $600, PRS amp; Diezel obviously aren't what he's got in mind

Originally Posted by JB_From_HellGo used, and be selective, and I bet you can snag a pretty decent Korean or Japanese electric and a Line 6, Crate, or Randall amp for well under 6 bills.

Come on, if he's got $600, PRS amp; Diezel obviously aren't what he's got in mind well yeah I know.

But I was thinking If He Has a Guitar that doesn't Totally suck, Perhaps New pickups and a setup could make it Sumthing he'de be happyer playing. And then that would leave $600 for a Good amp. And you can get a Pretty decent Amp for $600.



I Could Spend 1000, But No More...

Any Specific Suggestions?

Originally Posted by NUNOSLASHMmmmmm

I Could Spend 1000, But No More...

Any Specific Suggestions?

not specific but go for the amp then the guitar
any guitar ran through a bad amp will sound bad
try pluging a similar guitar into amps while testing them at the store or whatever then you may be able to keep the guitar and use a better amp

I'd be more inclined to help you If You Didn't Type Like This.

I Like The Way He Types
$1000 ehquot; that might just be possible second hand
You can get a Peavey classic 30 for under $400 american probably. Im biased, I just got one and love it, great classic rock tone, but does modern rock great, and a nice murky clean sound. That leaves $600 for guitar. You might be able to find a godin freeway for $600, they are a nice guitar, they can do a strat sound and also a nice humbucker sound. Other options... A brand new mexican strat with SD pickup replacement, or a second hand american strat with pickup replacement. another option, a second hand epi les paul with SD pickups. Or an epi G-400 Vintage, second hand. It might be hard to find some of those prices, but it can be done. There are a lot of options guitar wise

man that was helpful, and i ll consider it, btw what equipment do you have?

If your talking to me
Ive got a peavey classic 30 all tube amp
A laney solid state amp
a cort zenox z-22 electric which I love, but its cheap
Ibanez talman acoustic
and im getting a Godin signature LG shipped which has a jazz and a custom custom pickup in it.

People can live without the best stuff, I love my cheap Cort guitar for example.

Originally Posted by NUNOSLASHI Dont Like To Focus In Only One Kind Of Genre Or Specific Style, I Want A Versatile Instrument But Mainly Rock And Roll

Ill Appreciate Your Help Dudes!

This is en entirely useles thread until you give up the goddamned ghost and spit out what sort of sound you're going for.

quot;Rock and rollquot; is a large genre to tailor to. And until I hear different from you were going to assume that you're interested in doing nothing but playing ABBA and John Cassidy covers.....

Until I start seeing you list some proper nouns then this thread is ****ing moot!

Skarekrough, your always so angry
It is pretty hard to choose equipment based on a name of a genre. But there are instruments and amps (specially that digital stuff) that are versatile enough to do most genres, even if they dont do them great, they can still do them and sound right. Could you give us some bands or artist names your interested in?

Originally Posted by SkarekroughThis is en entirely useles thread until you give up the goddamned ghost and spit out what sort of sound you're going for.

quot;Rock and rollquot; is a large genre to tailor to. And until I hear different from you were going to assume that you're interested in doing nothing but playing ABBA and John Cassidy covers.....

Until I start seeing you list some proper nouns then this thread is ****ing moot!

sorry nuno, you have to understand, his coffeemaker is broken and he aint happy when he dont have no coffee

AWWWW when he reads that you don't stand a chance tux. I don't think I've seen him happy for at least a week now. Go buy that god damn coffee maker before christmas for gods sake, please.

the hostility doesnt affect me dudes, but dont use it to often!

well the problem of naming a band or genre that i want to play is that i like too many.

I like everything that slash has done :GNR, SNAKEPIT, VELVET REVOLVER





well slash has always used mocking birds and les pauls in most of his stuff, and I think I read somewhere he used a strat on the rare ocassion in the appetite for destruction album.
If you want slashs tone then a les paul copy would be ideal. But thats going to be $600-700 in its own brand new. The les copy should have a mahogany body with maple top. that can get you velvet revolver and guns and roses, and slashs snakepit. But dream theater... john petrucci uses a basswood body with some custom pickups that DiMarzio designed, you just can't get that tone with a les paul in my opinion, I've tried. Now theres a differance to getting the exact same tone and having something that still sounds good for the piece of music without having the exact same tone. I think that since your most interested in slash that a les paul copy would seem the best choice. But dream theater wont sound the same, same as a few other bands you like. And you won't get a hendrix sound with a les, best stick to a standard strat for that. The most versatile stuff that can do close to everything is the new line 6 guitars and amps. Not sure on prices though...

So maybe a epi les paul second hand, just make sure its the right wood. Theres also other brands that make les paul copies and some of them are better value then the epis. now with amps... slash uses some pretty exspensive and sometimes modded amps. And you obviously can't get som1 to make you a copy because thats out of your budget. So your going to need to stick with a crunchy classic rock metal tone. Marshalls do that But are probably out of your price range. Look for a JCM 900 second hand, you mite be able to find one that cheap, its unlikely. I don't know much about marshalls, but the Peavey 5150 is good for metal and the classic 30 is good for classic rock, blues and harder rock. So thats up to you, your going to have to go second hand with most stuff. Everything I listed in my above posts will suit your needs, some more then others. A les can still play hendrix and sound good, just won't sound the same obviously. Good luck, hope some other people offer some suggestions

Amp is easy. Vox AD30VT Find one for $250?

Axe... you've got plenty of good choices in the Squire line. I can't with good faith recommend anything from Epiphone.


I wouldn't agree, the squire line feel like toys to me and not for someone who stated they want quot;goodquot; guitar. As for the vox, yeh thats pretty good. And I've played epi les pauls that are better then gibsons. thats rare of course, but I've never played a dud epi les.

If you get totally sick and burnout on web searches like I do, I sugges:

A used Epiphone or a quality used instrument, and a Randall Amp. I personally will not own a guitar with a quot;whammy barquot;. M/F and other retailers have RG series 75watt, 100 watt and 200 watt solid state amps for less than $500 (the 75 and 100-watt-stereo models have Celestion speakers). The tone is great for rock/metal, and is unbelievable for a solid state amp. I personally do not care for modeling stuff in my price range, and prefer a simpler setup that has fewer irritating gadgets that sound great the first week or two, but sound cheap a month or two later.

Good Luck! Gotta go!

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