
I wanted to flip the mag in an A2 pro neck to put in my PRS and discovered that the mag appears to be non standard. It seems to be much wider with holes for the screw pole pieces to pass through. I thought this very odd since I have had a bridge model apart to swap mags a few times. Was I just more tired than I realised or is this a unique quirk of this model?

Hmmm...I'd be interested to know as well.

Originally Posted by Jeff_HHmmm...I'd be interested to know as well.

I'd be interested too. And I'd also be interested to know who that is you changed your avatar to Jeff_H?

well, here's my conspiracy thinking coming through...

where did you buy it? are you sure it's the real deal? that just doesn't sound right...

Originally Posted by Scott_Fwell, here's my conspiracy thinking coming through...

where did you buy it? are you sure it's the real deal? that just doesn't sound right...

Its the real deal. Purchased new from a friend who is a Duncan Dealer. No question about it. I didn't want to dismantle is any more than necessary but I could clearly see the plastic spacer on the other side. The mag was loose and seperated vrom the coils. It would move easily up and down but wouldn't budge to be removed and turned. I'm about 99% on this one but I have never seen another like this.

that's pretty weird. i'd email duncan tech support with that question.

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