
Just gotten some stuff for my amp. I'm on a transition from multi effects to totally analogue sound. So my idea is to get a good distortion pedal that will work well with a tube amp, anyone throw in your rigs.

My idea was to get a MXR Smart Gate and MXR double shot. If I were to use such things, will any of the tubes on the Amp be redundant ? Thanks guys

NONE!!!! My idea is, if you need somekind of Distortion box, you need a better amp to start with!!! I run dry into an amp!!!!

Originally Posted by theodieNONE!!!! My idea is, if you need somekind of Distortion box, you need a better amp to start with!!! I run dry into an amp!!!!

So in another words, stick to the stock OD right ?

I only use the OD/Distortion as a boost for a solo or accentuated part. I also don't believe in multi-channel amps.

Originally Posted by theodieNONE!!!! My idea is, if you need somekind of Distortion box, you need a better amp to start with!!! I run dry into an amp!!!!

That's no fun! More pedals is more fun right?

Mo pedals, mo problems.

argh ... so should I get a pedal ? =)
Or I just stick to the stock OD ... i find that the stock OD sounds good.
But as what people say, like the MT-2, Phase 90 EVH, Digitech distortion factory, all these gives analogue sound. So it may come in handy, just that I wouldn't know if it defeats the purpose for a tube amp and tubes become redundant. Cuz if so I might as well just stick to a solid-state

Originally Posted by theodieNONE!!!! My idea is, if you need somekind of Distortion box, you need a better amp to start with!!! I run dry into an amp!!!!

Theodie, do you play all you amps on 10 and provide free entertainment for the neighborhood? I'm beginning to see distortion and OD are like beer, soda, and pizza: Everyone has there preference. There is no accounting for taste. If it makes sounds you like with or without pedals, then go with what you like.

For me it depends. If I set the Gain up full, I won't use anything, maybe a booster to push it a little harder. If I set the Gain half-way, then I'll use a booster to push it harder. If I have the Gain set to zero (mind you, the pre-amp volume is up full, different control on my amp), then I'll use either the Wylde OD or Boss Super Overdrive. Since testing driving all 3 scenarios some more last weekend, I've pretty much settled on the Gain halfway and booster option, and I built the booster. Go figure.

Ok Thanks alot guys.
I'll stick with the Stock OD
I'm using a MXR kerry king EQ to boost things up also

i use a TS7 Tubescreamer. I have a single channel amp (Mesa Blue Angel- a *great* amp) that doesn't have a master volume. It will distort on its own with the gain around 4, but that is way too loud to be in the room with. I don't like master volume amps, since I hate buzzy preamp tube distortion.

I use a Big Muff, Proco Rat, and various fuzz boxes.

My amp has plenty of gain, but sometimes I want a different sound to the gain, and for that I use a stompbox.

Plus, transistor distortion is tighter/brighter than tube distortion....which really lends itself well to soloing.

Rock on ..
I guess the additional pedal will be just another sound from the stock OD
Getting a distortion pedal will be last on my list. muahaha

The only time I use an OD pedal with an amp is when the pedal's character is totally different from that of the amp's OD. Thus, the only dirt pedal I've owned is an HAO Rumble Mod whose Dumblesque tone can't be achieved by my Marshally Rivera.

Originally Posted by The Golden BoyMo pedals, mo problems.


I have 2 deep stack of overdrive and distortion pedals that seem to gather dust more than they get used.

Originally Posted by SkarekroughWord.....

I have 2 deep stack of overdrive and distortion pedals that seem to gather dust more than they get used.

What do you have? Perhaps I could get one or two of them out of your way.

If you have to have a pedal, get a...

Marshall Shredmaster

and/or this...
Rock on!

I use a Fulltone OCD as a light overdrive to heat up the signal and goose the amp into more of a saturated sound. It absolutely slays every other pedal out there... it SOUNDS like a cranked Marshall and does wonders for the overall tone but still lets the personality of the amp shine.

As far as what's good or bad or more trouble or not... its all personal preference so its best tp experiment and find what works best for you.

Originally Posted by Guitar ToadTheodie, do you play all you amps on 10 and provide free entertainment for the neighborhood? I'm beginning to see distortion and OD are like beer, soda, and pizza: Everyone has there preference. There is no accounting for taste. If it makes sounds you like with or without pedals, then go with what you like.

No, I just found the right amp for me that provides the kind of sound I want from the get go!!

I see Distortion and OD pedals like Corona and lime, If you have to put something in a beer to make it taste better, wouldnt it make more sense to get a better beer to start with?

I also forgot to add, if you just want to change your sound every now and again I can understand that, I think they are OK. If you use one all of the time, its time to get a better amp!!!!

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