
Hi All - Who can help with this? I removed a set of SM3 Mini Humbuckers from my Les Paul Special and fitted P90s. The SM3s were pro-fitted by a repair shop some years ago and fit straight into the P90 slot. The P90s and the Mini HBs screwed straight into a plate which was at the bottom of the pickup rout. I sold the SM3s on ebay and the buyer has asked how they fit - he is making a custom guitar around these pickups. Who can help with this query? I wonder if the metal plate came with the SDs or if that was a standard Gibson fitting - anyone know?

I'm the owner of a Les Paul Deluxe that had the pickups go bad..... extremely microphonic even after a good repair shop potted them.... I ended up replacing them with Duncan minis and they fit right into some sort of metal plugs in the bottom of the pickup rout. They look like some sort of metal screw with a threaded hole for the pickup screw.... I have since taken the SD's out of my 76 Deluxe and put real Gibson Mini humbucker replacements in the guitar, but now i have a set of SD Minis i want to install in a custom guitar. I have a Godn LG 24 3/4 scale neck and i just need a body. I also could do with tips on how to install the Minis with their rings into a new body? I guess i could romove the rings and screw the pickups with wood screws but the rings make the pickups look better.

I also would guess if i could buy a tap for the right Humbucker adjustment screw threads i could make my own base plate.... anyone have any ideas where one could get such a small tap....


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