
To the experts in here:

Since I'm on a budget, is the best solution to buy a set of Alcino 2 Pro, and install them on my Epiphone Les Paul Special?

What do a set of Alcino 2 Pro cost?

the alnico II is what you want for sure. probably around $75 each or so

I was the A2P pups in Guitar Center last week for $70/ea.
Go get 'em!!

Yeah, he uses an APH-1 set, but you have to consider your setup. I sound more like Slash with a Custom/APH-1N combo, but I use different equipment.

An aph-1 set is a great place to start, but if you feel the need to switch to a PG or a 59, or even a Custom; go for it.

Slash, if nothing else, can be approximated by just about any PAF style pickup.

An alnico II based bucker will get you there. The APH's are the key. You can also get there with a custom custom and a APH neck. Slash also uses the tone knob on alot of tunes so, get familiar with it. I see you already have a LP so there you go. BTW, the two bridge pickups I mentioned will get you alot closer than any other duncans I have tried. BTW, I am playing through a Marshall Slash signature amp also with a boss GE-7 EQ to get those very sounds with those pickups. Just like the man himself.

Seths in my Gibby get very close to Slash's sound, as do the Pearly Gates. The APH is a bit cheaper, and they are what Slash himself uses.

The Pearly gates neck will work pretty good but, I cant really pull off the tone very well with a Pealry gates bridge.

Originally Posted by theodieThe Pearly gates neck will work pretty good but, I cant really pull off the tone very well with a Pealry gates bridge.psssst. Use a 250K tone pot. I do that with mine, along with a 500k volume and a .022 Orange Drop.

Originally Posted by Boleslaw Gers 666If you want to know the sad truth, I think the key to his tone is the Jubilee head he uses. They cost a ****load and are rare these days, but that's how he gets so much gain out of an alnico II magnet.

I stil think you can get within spitting distance of his tone with a LP, a good pair of alnico II PAF type pickups, and some kind of quot;Marshallyquot; amp.

Originally Posted by Benjy_26I stil think you can get within spitting distance of his tone with a LP, a good pair of alnico II PAF type pickups, and some kind of quot;Marshallyquot; amp.

Word!!! I have the 2555SL and I can get pretty close with my 900 also. Marshall, Les Paul, APH's, Thats how its done.

PG with 250K huh? I may have to try that!!!!

i'm gonna go out on a limb here, but the differences lots of times between pups are very subtle, i've nailed the slash tone with many pups, guitars and amps. i've noticed that most setups if tweaked enough can get you pretty much anything you want. obviously hi gain vs low gain will require hardware changes.

BTW-Slash himself is the main ingredient in his tone

I personally think that Slash's tone is one of the easiest to duplicate when compared to other famous players. His basic setup is very straightforward...Les Paul, Alnico 2 Pro pickups, and a Marshall. I can get very close with my modded Classic 50, even though it's a very different amp than the Marshalls he uses. In this case, I think the pickup is an important part of his tone. You'll at least want the APH-1 for the neck, you can use something different in the bridge if you want. There's something about the sweetness of an Alnico 2 pickup that can't be duplicated with an A5 pickup.


Originally Posted by rspst14I personally think that Slash's tone is one of the easiest to duplicate when compared to other famous players. His basic setup is very straightforward...Les Paul, Alnico 2 Pro pickups, and a Marshall. I can get very close with my modded Classic 50, even though it's a very different amp than the Marshalls he uses. In this case, I think the pickup is an important part of his tone. You'll at least want the APH-1 for the neck, you can use something different in the bridge if you want. There's something about the sweetness of an Alnico 2 pickup that can't be duplicated with an A5 pickup.


Ryan, you come through again. I always like your reviews.

The Key: Alnico 2 Magnets, Tube Amp, and a decent guitar. I get a decent slash tone out of a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe with a Cort guitar with an APH1 neck pickup.

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