
from : localhost/this part of the review!
quot;So here's the scoop. If you want to try and capture that 1978 tone in a production pickup, you really need to try this Custom Custom. quot;

I tried to tell EVH tone fans that the CC does the 78-84 tone no prob but i get
quot; the CC is too compressedquot;
quot;the CC is too high outputquot;
quot;the CC does not have the screamquot;
no its not too scompressed and yes it DOES SCREAM!
eddies older tone was ON FIRE man!(pardon the pun! LOL!!!)
I heard guys with the 59,the seth,and others but they all lacked that fire in the tone eddie had
well the CC compensates for that!

Damn, there's so much hype about this pup..What I'm wondering is if it can really live up to all of it.

Originally Posted by SuneDamn, there's so much hype about this pup..What I'm wondering is if it can really live up to all of it.

it did for me!
it depends on what you want from it?
older VH tone? definitely!
metal? definitely!
blues? definitely!
shred? definitely!

Only one guy knows the tone for EVH and he isn't telling yet and if he did nobody would believe him. That's Eddie, himself.

Interesting thought.... do you really think it would be that far-fetched though?

i dont think he even knows

Originally Posted by waltOnly one guy knows the tone for EVH and he isn't telling yet and if he did nobody would believe him. That's Eddie, himself.

as far as the early days back in 1978 right before the first record came out
(they were already hooked up with gene simmons of KISS to do a demo)
eddie had seymour repair his 1961 gibson paf
this pup was damaged by eddie when he tried to take off the cover
this pup is the one that seymour rewound ONE coil on
it has a slightly hotter wind on it on that ONE coil
he used this pup till he installed a floyd rose on his main guitar(frankie)
he then found out that the floydie gave a tinky tinny tone and then had seymour wind him a fuller hotter PAF type and the Custom-custom was born!
these are facts from a close personal friend of eddie's who grew up with him through high school
that guy is also i bud of mine.
I never got to meet eddie BUT i do have all the quot;CORRECTquot; info on him and his gear used

As a CC user for the past 12 years, yes it is all that. When my brother-in-law and I jam, we'll play some Free (mild OD), then some Great White, then kick in some AC/DC, and when we really want to go nuts, play some Judas Priest tunes and just krank it up. Holy cow JP stuff sounds good with it in to a loud Marshall.

I've had/have the CC in the 3 different guitars. I've had it in an alder strat body (screwed to the wood) and it sounds wonderful. That specific CC is now in a maple bodied Kramer....perfect fit. Just what was needed to remove some of the brightness of that monster. I also purchased a CC from Lew specifically for my Les Paul and don't regret it one bit. IMO, for all out diversity and wonderful buttery smooth warmth, you can't get any better than the CC.

anyone with half a ear will hear EVH tone all over the place when playing the CC in most guitars and through most amps
you can tell it was wound for him i mean C'mon! it is PURE EVH!

Pretty new here, Just wanted to say long time reader, just started posting.
I have a CC in my Les Paul (along with an APHII in the neck)...went on the recommendation from this forum. I couldn't be happier. Nails everything I ever wanted in a pickup. You guys were right on the money on this pickup. Thanks.

Originally Posted by JsynPretty new here, Just wanted to say long time reader, just started posting.
I have a CC in my Les Paul (along with an APHII in the neck)...went on the recommendation from this forum. I couldn't be happier. Nails everything I ever wanted in a pickup. You guys were right on the money on this pickup. Thanks.

Glad we could help.

Ahhh, another satisfied player.

I was under the impression that the CC sounds too dark in a mahogany-bodied guitar, but it really shines in a Strat or similar. Now I see people posting about how great it sounds in their Les Pauls. Which is it?

Originally Posted by ratherdashingIt really shines in a Strat or similar. Now I see people posting about how great it sounds in their Les Pauls. Which is it?

It's both. But then again, I don't think it sounds too dark in a Les Paul.

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