
i just thought of a realy cool information souce that i wish id had through learning the guitar.

often one finds onself stuck. true? i think so
everyone gets p*ssed off at somepoint cos they have run out of inspiration or are just plain bored of guitar. i myself have suffered what id call quot;depretionquot; as a result of not knowing what i should be doing with my time....

SOOOO, i think that we should compile a catalogue of all the things that you can practice doing with our beatifull stringed panky thing (guitar) so as when i, and everone els, gets stuck for somthing to play, or practice, they can look at this page and think quot;never thought of doing that!!!quot; and spend the rest of the day doing it!!
hopfully it might save a few heads from aching, a few soles from sadness. and most importantly i will get to see what i could be practicing!!!!!

i think ill start by saying;

when u'v got noubt els to play
why not try bending a note (say a tone and a half up) and then sliding up that same interval (a tone and a half in this case) withought letting the note deveate from its pitch.
also try with pre-bends doing it backwards and try inventing your own ways....
i found that particular exersize quite funanyhoo, i hope you all have somthing you coud put to this list....


when i dont know what to play, i run down my list of songs categorized by genre and start jamming along with them and trying to improvise over the chord changes.

I think it's a skil that's being lost, but it can be self taught easily. All you gotta do is fumble around with or arpeggiate the chord tones of each chord as it's being played, then try it until you can flow into each chord and make decisive contrasts using diminished tones every once in a while. I'm slowly letting go of my scales and im glad, it's so much smoother to 'roll' through a song's chords with improv than to just rip a scale in key.

Learn songs with guitar pro, it's so damn great!

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