The image on the left was downloaded form the Fender website last year. The one on the right was downloaded from Fender today.

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i always wondered how do these moses graphite fender replacement necks feel and sound? sounds is the big concern as would it sound if i replaced an all maple neck with it...about the same, darker, brighter etc etc? any info would be great. thanks.

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Santa, I want a Red Rider lever action BB Gun!! Or... since I don't have the room for, nor need any more axes, I'll take one of these:

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I just saw this Les Paul, custom made for demoing Gibson pickups. Man, I'd love to have a LP setup for intalling Duncans from the backside! This one isn't a terrible design, but I'm sure there's a better way of doing it.

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Need some help here...I just got the firepod and boo hoo...checking my laptop, what I had assumed (yea assumed is actually a four letter word) was firewire is actually i screwed here? what do I need to do?

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Well just to make old man Davey happy, I recorded something less lazy this time

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as i stated earlier, lightning hit my house the other day and fried most of my stuff. my crate head (which is my favorite) will power up and play for maybe 5 to 20 minutes then start crackling and hardly any sound comes out. this only started since the lightning storm, (i think my line 6 spider got the worst because it wont even power on). any ideas what may be wrong with the crate? i am claiming the other stuff on my insurance, but i would rather keep my crate if it is not too big of a fix.

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OK, is there any real reason to have a tailpiece? Is there any difference in sustain or tone? How about in string tension? Does the angle difference result in more string breakage?

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I know this question makes me sound like a neophyte but I've honestly never had to do this. How do I raise the action on a single string for my Strat? The bridge is stock and I only need to raise the B and high e strings.

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