
I just saw this Les Paul, custom made for demoing Gibson pickups. Man, I'd love to have a LP setup for intalling Duncans from the backside! This one isn't a terrible design, but I'm sure there's a better way of doing it.

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that would be very easy to duplicate on any les paul. if you own a router and some saws that is lol. all they are using for pickup contact and to hold them in place are connections similar to a 9V battery. and it's all square cuts, nothing fancy at all....hmmmmm. very cool though.


i've seen that in a music shop in stuttgart where they let you choose yer own gibson pups to test.

i dun think its as rare as he says it is. should be used in shops for pup testing. surely the tone and sustain suffers from the 2 huge chunks removed from the body.

I've seen those on ebay before...very cool idea!

Damn, that's pretty cool. I've never heard of this before, but I definitely like the idea.

doesnt duncan have this at their Namm booths or something?........i saw this type of thing related to Duncan somewhere on the site

That is really cool! If I were a session player I'd be all over that.

How hard would it be to make some new wood block thingys to put new pickups on? And would it be possible to go with active pickups somehow?

I'd NEVER do it to one of my own axes... but I'd buy that one


Originally Posted by flankdoesnt duncan have this at their Namm booths or something?........i saw this type of thing related to Duncan somewhere on the site

Yeah, I saw it at UGD, Its less cosmetically appealing, but probably an overall better design tone-wise. The duncan one's just a strat-type guitar with a couple of slots where you can slide the pickup in from the top. Pretty cool idea...

100 of those pauls exist (mixed satandard and custom, I think a few more standards), they were intended solely for dealers so that people could demo the Gibson pickups

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