

I think I should clean the neck of my strat. What do you guys do/use when you clean your necks?

I have no idea so please fill me in.

I use Lizard Spit (with orange oil) for cleaning my fretboards; seems to work great, and makes the strings feel nice and fast too. I've seen some people use lemon oil (and I've used that too), but I've read it can not be good for some woods (I believe maple). Whichever you choose, after it's cleaned, you may be able to preserve it with this (but it almost sounds like it's more for new/refurbished fretboards): from : localhost/Spit:
from : localhost/ I had no idea until just now it's offered at amazon. Weird.

Luthier's Choice Fretboard Conditioner (Gibson) ... I think it's middle of the road quality stuff

I use lemon oil

furniture polish - most guys will tell you its the wrong thing to use, but its always available and its cheap.. i probably shouldn't...


if it's rosewood...lemon oil works great...but only do this about once a year and it doesn't take very much can be bad for it. the back of the neck and the rest of the guitar can be cleaned with any kind of guitar cleaner...i use a gibson cleaner.

Lemon oil for the board, but don't use it on the back of the neck if it's finished. Lemon oil is only for woods without a finish...rosewood, ebony, raw maple, etc.


I think the Fast Fret products (spray or that weird applicator thingy) work to clean both strings and the fretboard....

You can also scrub it down with some #0000 steel wool prior to oiling. It just smooths the surface out and gets rid of crusty gunk without really taking away any wood.

I use saliva ... it'll break down anything.

Dan Erlwine suggests hot breath and then saliva. The less chemicals you use, the better. I always use either gun oil or pure Linseed oil after cleaning, or for my twice a year oilings.

I use 0000 steel wool, and lemon oil.

I just wipe my fretboard down with lemon oil (dunlop sells some and I'm sure that there are others) every time that I change strings. Let it sit on the board for a couple of minutes, wipe off the excess, and you're good to restring again. . .

For severe cleaning, the Erlewine quot;breathquot;thing works great. That also works on the back of new sticky nitro necks.

I've always been a lemon oil guy until I bought some 100% rosewood oil for the PRS. That smell is intoxicating. After I use it, I just leave the rag out on my work area just to make my entire music room smell incredible.

Gots to get me summa that.

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