
Hello all,

I've been looking around for new pickups for a 2001 Ibanez Destroyer. I'm looking for a heavy meaty sound with good definition on the high notes. I want my muted powerchords to sound like a ton of bricks but I would also like to keep razor sharp highs and all.I narrowed down my choices to the Distortion and/or the Invader.
I was leaning towards the Invader (bridge) but as I was reading reviews, some people said that the B and E strings don't come out at all when the wound strings are vibrating. I play death metal so thick and heavy is good but I do want the solos to be heard out nice and clear.

The guitar is made out of basswood (quick question, is basswood a good wood for guitars or is it the cheapest around?), maple neck and rosewood fretboard.

Also, I read that the Invader isn't such a good pickup for the neck. So my next question is, how would a Distortion sound in the neck of this basswood guitar? Is an Invader (bridge) and a Distortion (neck) a good match? or should I stick with Invader in both neck and bridge? or an other combination of that?

Thanks alot,
Really appreciate the help
- DR

I heard full shreds are pretty good for metal too.

Either the Distortion set or an Invader/Distortion would totally smoke in there. Also, don't overlook the Custom as a bridge pickup. Tonally, that thing is a real mother****er.

I Don't like basswood, its considered cheap, but then again steve vai uses it for his guitars. It has a tinny sound compared to some woods, but thats kinda good for those high pitches piercing notes, as for mutes that drop like a tonne of bricks, maybe not..
Ibanez destroyers are nice guitars really but yeh, I dont like basswood, I'm a fan of mahogany and maple, sometimes alder.

What's wrong with the original V5-pickups from Ibanez? Or what do you dislike about them?

The original pickups (Ibanez Powersound) have awsome highs but don't cut it on the bass side for me...

Thanks for the info on basswood
- DR

Invader gives a big powerful tone. Thick and powerful.
Anyway for the bridge the invader will be fine.
for neck i think the full shred or the DD neck would serve you well

The DD neck is one of Duncans best kept secrets IMO!!!!

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