I have a Samick quot;Greg Bennettquot; Les Paul, AV-7 model. Bought it online and have been amazed by the quality right out of the box. Action is perfect--low, no buzzes, and every single note sings like a bird when you bend it. Workmanship is beautiful. Only have two complaints and the first one may sound strange--it's too light--only weighs about six pounds and I assume a heavier guitar would give me more sustain. Second, the tone is pretty dark--I know Les Pauls are quot;warmquot; but it hard to coax much of a bite out of it, even with the treble cranked on any numer of amps.

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Just wondering if I should go ahead and switch the pots when i put my new pickups in my carvin.

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Not sure where to put this thread so I'll put it in here...

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GOOD OR NOT GOOd...Today i went to buy both of SETH LOVER and 59'....seth lover model's neck and 59' model's bridge...i want to know what do you think about my set up...it's correct,isn't it?...i'm not sure..but i want to find my lover sound...i want you to tell me about this set up...and i want to know what do you bore my language?...i want to use Eng language correctly...if you have a time.teach me!!! i'll try...ok? Glad to talk with you...Thank you...bye...

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i have got to get me one of these!! i think it's going to be my next guitar! Fender John Mayer signature. of course i'll have to swap out the pickups but man that painjob is killer!!
Alder Body

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Ok, so I'm wiring this Strat pickguard in preparation for my body and neck arriving in a few weeks time. I have two Texas Specials and a Jb Jr (for the Bridge).

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This is just idle curiosity. Not really thinking of buying one. Has anyone heard, or owned one of these?

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The folks where I bought the Invader PUPS have said that the bridge PUP will work fine in the neck position. They also said that Invaders are not made in neck. Any suggestions? I really am not planning on putting the bridge in the neck, will DUncan swap the bridge for a neck?

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Anybody play one of these? What are your opinions?

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Hello All...
I just picked myself up a little B-day present; A PRS Santana/SE Dual HB.

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