
i always wondered how do these moses graphite fender replacement necks feel and sound? sounds is the big concern as would it sound if i replaced an all maple neck with it...about the same, darker, brighter etc etc? any info would be great. thanks.


I dont know anything about them, except for the fact that they're apparently strong as hell. Oh, and Flea plays one on his bass. Until he went to his new company, but they have graphite necks as well. I dunno, I'm tired. I'll clear this up tomorrow.

ive used one- yeah, super stong...they will make any guitar feel more solid, and sound brighter.

brighter than solid maple by a ton or a tiny bit or what? i'm tempted to try one but i don't want to end up with an icepick sound.


no not a ton, but that is what a tone knob is for anyway.

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