Hey guys, I have heard that Krank amps are BETTER than the JCM2000 Series from Marshall and the Mesa Boogie Rectifyers! They run for about 1500 dollars but I think that Im going to give them a whirl. Tell me if you guys have played these. and where I can try one out. thanks again.

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Hello Everyone,

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I have a rockinger strat kit that is the same as a vintage strat.

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or overdrive etc...

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Ok, I got a classic 30. Sounded good, put JJs in it, sounded better. I'd turn it up past 2 and the thing would rattle and shake and you couldn't hear whats actually coming from the amp. So, I built a damn good speaker cabinet for it that sits up about 2 feet on some rubber foam. Now I can play louder, but only about 1 more knotch up. When I get it up to about 3 or so, the speaker flabs out and sounds like sh*t. Just before it does that it sounds ok.

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Hello All,

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I have a buddy overseas that has a Duncan Custom Shop Distortion pup, he says it's NOT a Screamin Demon, and that it's a bit hotter than a stock Distortion pickup. He says it kicks ass.

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I have a bridge model Harmonic Design Z-90 in cream for sale. Almost new. Great P-90 tone in a humbucker size space. - Rob McFee hmcfeen628@rogers.com

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I'm having Jeff from Highorder Pickups make me a blues humbucker set. The set will be going in one of my Les Pauls. I'm having the neck at 7.8k and the bridge at 8.3k. Only problem is I can't decide between A2 or A3 mags for the pups. Would love to hear everyones suggestion on what to try. Going for a sound similar to Taylor, Ralphs, Green, etc... Just good ole blues.

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