
Ok, I got a classic 30. Sounded good, put JJs in it, sounded better. I'd turn it up past 2 and the thing would rattle and shake and you couldn't hear whats actually coming from the amp. So, I built a damn good speaker cabinet for it that sits up about 2 feet on some rubber foam. Now I can play louder, but only about 1 more knotch up. When I get it up to about 3 or so, the speaker flabs out and sounds like sh*t. Just before it does that it sounds ok.

I need a new speaker anyway, I've learned a good speaker is essential to tone.

I just want a good bluesy/rock 'n roll tone. To thousands of players and me, SRV has THE greatest tone of all time just thought I'd throw that in.

What do you recommend?

Eminence Governor amp; Wizard, Celestion G12h amp; V30 all for British tone.
Eminence Red White amp; Blues for cross between American/British.
Eminence Canibus Rex amp; Texas Heat for American tone.

Check the Eminence website for recommendations/descriptions of their new speakers. They are really good.

If the cabinet takes a 12quot; speaker, I recommend a Celestion Alnico Blue. I heard a pair over the weekend and almost died at how 3D and clear they sounded. I now understand why they are so expensive.

Originally Posted by Lee_M.If the cabinet takes a 12quot; speaker, I recommend a Celestion Alnico Blue. I heard a pair over the weekend and almost died at how 3D and clear they sounded. I now understand why they are so expensive.

300 bucks is a little out of my range. From what I understand the Blue Marvel (stock speaker in a C30) is modeled after the Celestion Alnico Blue? That would probably be a kick ass replacement speaker for my amp, but definetly can't afford it.

edit: forgot to add it is a 12 inch speaker

I'm looking at the Weber Ceramic Blue Dog. If I get it soon I'll let you know how it turns out.

Another thing, eventually I'm going to sell this amp for a Deluxe reverb. It's just a better amp for me (lower wattage tube rectifier), so a better question is what is the best speaker for me, not so much what suites the amp well.

Jensen C12N

Maybe my thinking is flawed here. But the Classic 30 is an open back combo. Any lower wattage speaker like the G12H30, Alnico Blue, Weber Blue Dog, or Greenback wont sound that good at higher volume. These speakers work better in closed back 2X12 or 4X12 cab's.

I would think that something like a Classic lead 80 or a 150-200watt EV speaker would let the amp shine...

it's in a speaker cab I built. I cut an extra piece of wood when i built it the same size as the piece the speaker is in, if I want to close the back I can screw it on. would that be better? this is a very solid built cab, it's made of particle wood glued and screwed together tight. very strong and sounds a lot better than it did in the combo. do you think I should put the other piece on the back maybe even drill out some coping?

Closed back cabs have more bass response. But it also depends on the design of the cab.

Harry Kolbe makes a tuned/ported 1X12 cabinet with an EV speaker that sounds HUGE!!!

porting was what I meant to say, where did i get the word coping?

Anyway, what are the advantages of an open back cab vs. a closed back? It seems like an open back would be better since it lets the sound reflect off the wall and fill the room better?

The weber blue dog and the red fang are clones of the celestion blue and either are worth considering as are the other eminence models that were mentioned. There are some sound samples on the Weber site.
I have a Weber alnico blue dog in a champ rebuild and like it although I'm not sure it was the best choice for that amp.
I think you can't plan to switch the speaker from the 30 to a deluxe. I'm pretty sure that the 30 requires a 16 ohm speaker and the deluxe an 8. While the wrong ohmage would work and not damage the amp (at least in the fender), it would not sound the best... so, you'll have to sell the speaker with the 30 and get a new one for the deluxe or go with the stock in it.
FWIW, I had a '64 deluxe that I loved and could kick myself for having sold that I put an EV in. It was a great speaker. I think the Weber Michigan is a clone of that speaker.

I checked out the red fang, couldn't find much on the blue dog even on the weber vst site. I'm pretty interested in thouse... the red fang seems to be the top of the line Eminence. I could afford it if I sold some stuff. What's better between the blue dog and the red fang?

Still up for recommendations!! Help me out I don't know much about speakers


For SRV tone I suggest JBL D120f or Jensen C12n. Weber makes the F150, which is very similar to the C12n.
Those sound good in closed back or open back cabinets. I think they have a little more life in an open back cabinet, especially for blues tones.

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