
Maybe sometimes we (I) give more weight to pickups than speakers. I thought the JB in my swamp ash Gamp;L was too bright or harsh, but I swapped out the Celestion Vintage 30 in my amp and replaced it with an Eminence V12 that I had in a box in the garage and, lo and behold, smoothed it right out. Sounds much better.

Before the speaker swap I tried the GT 12AX7M and 12AX7C in V1 and really couldn't tell that much difference between the two.

Also, this is probably the first guitar I've owned that has high quality volume and tone controls that actually make a usable difference when rolling them back. Very happy with my setup now.

I'm suprised that you find that much difference between the V30 and the V12. Very, very similar speakers. Is the V30 broken in? Cool find none the less, just interesting.

It should be broken in. Had it about a month. I just found it kind of harsh in the upper end.

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